Digimon Protecter

Digimon Protecter Character Bio Takuya Ishibashi-Tamer of Courage Partner:Botamon\>Koromon\>Agumon\>Greymon\>Risegreymon\>Wargreymon\>Wargreymon X/ Victorymon Satoshi Kishimoto-Tamer of Friendship Partner:...


Protecter of the Forest

Protector of the Forest A beaver TF "Crap!" Kyle yelled out as his head painfully met the ceiling of the truck as it bounced. "I must be hitting every rock and pothole on the road. This had better be worth it, or I will kill them." He continued to...

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Paying for Protection

Paying for Protection A vixen and a rabbit female are fondling each other's breasts in a hollowed out chamber of a mighty redwood in the sweltering heat of an alien jungle world. Both females have tiger stripes on their fur and currently neither of...

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To serve and protect....

Part 2 of my cops series. Different artistry work and different characters. These stories will not be the same so please take the time to read each one and comment. Thank...

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The Price for Protection

Slender branches smacked the young man's face like little whips as he burst through a stand of young maples, flashes of crimson and gold on the peripheries of his vision as he continued to run headlong through the forest. Ordinarily he might have taken...

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Protecting the Orphans

After a long night's rest, Luke and his allies awoke early the next morning, separating into their designated groups and gearing up for their objectives. Luke, along with Volcan and Howler, were waiting just outside the orphanage with Kage and Sickle,...

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Projectiles of Protection

![cover_art_for_pop_by_lightwolf21-d4svck7.png](http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/074/d/b/cover_art_for_pop_by_lightwolf21-d4svck7.png) Story by Lightwolf21 Cover Art by Lightwolf21 Keith and Light © Lightwolf21 Housepets! and characters ©...

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Witness Protection

You know what they say about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Well it finally happened to me, or really my boyfriend Kevin. It was a lazy fall afternoon, and Kevin had come over so we could watch a few movies and waste some time playing...

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Unwanted Protection

Unwanted Protection Moses returned home to find he had company. The dragon paused as he looked at the car sitting outside his apartment. He recognized who it belonged to. Well... He figured he might as well figure out what she wanted. With a heavy...

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Buying Protection

**One Size Fits All** **Written by: Zylen Andel** **Commissioned by: Blitzkriegotter** The bathroom door opened with Blitz grinning from ear to ear, he just couldn't believe how lucky he was tonight. He had come to the bar to flirt...

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Responsibility to Protect

_Back to the Dark Horse, where we explore the meaning of the Prime Directive and also one of the crew becomes a god. As you do._ _Apologies for the slight delay in posting this, and welcome to the New Year! We're back aboard the Dark Horse, for an...

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The Black-Feathered Monk 11

The Black-Feathered Monk Chapter 11 By Draconicon Satres and Silra were led from the narrow bottom of the temple to its peak. The passage could have been made by air, but they distrusted the demon to have freedom, and...

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