Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 37

Because of this sadness, william states his line, "i'm not dead yet", to try to alleviate this. william plans for the possibility of his death by planning the escape of tyarza, rora and kyta.

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Mysterious Stranger

"oh jesus christ. 10,000 years and your not dead yet!?!?" renamon giggled some more and said "nope. i stayed alive just to see you." "great. whos the tomboy?" rika gave him an angry glare and said "my names rika you soon to be corpse."

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Lease to Own

I'm not dead! yet! this is mostly based on a dream i recently had and just could not get out of my head, so i threw it all down here and passing it along to you filthy, disgusting pervs. sickening.

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Everything Will Be Alright

"you may have beaten me but i'm not dead yet. my father and i will return, and i will kill you and take jake for my own! i promise you that." and with that ari slowly glided out of the room and into the darkness.

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Darkest Dawn - Reborn Teaser "Give me your two cents."

"no i'm not dead yet, no you can't have my car, yes it's still getting worse." i say in a forced groan after hitting talk and before he could get a word in. "good to talk to you too ass least i can tell it hasn't killed your sarcasm or humor.

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The Journey Begins

I'm not dead yet"! james rhetorted back. alex ran up and patted james on the back. "you never cease to amaze me james. jacob told me he believed a dragon got you. how in the hell did you get out of that mess?" "ah too damn easy, alex.

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Todd and Cliff

"i do wonder why you're not dead yet" william huffed. "my my officer, i didn't knew you were into corpses" murdoch flirted. the moments in which william gulped in air were the cue for cliff and todd to leave.

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The Meat (Movie Parody)

"great-aunt jenny's had skin cancer for ten years, and she's not dead yet. unfortunately." "she still make those apple pies?" roy asked. whatever mulhoney responded was lost by the bathroom door closing.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 12

He paraphrases a line from the fictional character john carter by saying, "i'm not dead yet."

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Belonging Chapter 46

"why is it, that when somebody dies, it feels like they're not dead yet, like they're still hovering right beside you, but you just can't see them?" i thought about it for a heartbeat.


Lost in The Void - Chapter 1

"well, we are not dead yet captain, so that's a good sign." kip said over the radio. "sounds good, keep going our scanners can't seem to look at the whole ship. parts of it seemed to be blocked off.

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Demented Obsession

"not dead yet?" she asked. she reached for an item from her belt and said "don't answer that." she pulled out a long piano wire and a dagger.

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