The New Hive part 2

He crashed himself straight into the side of the tracked one sending it tipping over throwing four men into the woods and crushing another man's legs beneath it.

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Where Minds Lay: Temporal Spectrum Part 2

My hips get a little out of swing with the beat, over-throwing their sway just a little, but not noticeably i hope. i pull my tail up between us, hugging it while sitting up straight starring at the wolf.

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Immortals: Intro

Loka wouldn't find out that you were trying to over throw him?"

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A previous verson of my story idea, please not this is a beta version of my story line written long ago

In the darkness thier is but a single light, one who sides with none but seeks to over throw both with a third force far greater then any imagined.


"Amnesia" Chapter 5

For a few seconds she contemplated pretending to be asleep, but blaze had heard and felt the laughter, and he rolled over, throwing her off. "hey!" sakura's head popped up next to the bed, "what was that for?!" "you evil little cat!"

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Amnesia? Chapter Five-First Round

For a few seconds she contemplated pretending to be asleep, but blaze had heard and felt the laughter, and he rolled over, throwing her off. "hey!" sakura's head popped up next to the bed, "what was that for?!" "you evil little cat!"

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a lusty interlude

A soft growl escaped her throat as she rolled over, throwing him away and leaping at the bed, bending right over it and bracing herself against it, spreading her legs, lifting her tail, and starting to rub at her depths lustfully, looking over her shoulder

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Yaoi Returns

Rune is our leader, but hentai wants to over throw rune. he scared his followers into obeying him alone. you see, rune's mother was in charge while his father was trying to help resolve issues in the north.

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Sea Dawgs Chapter One: Sowaway

He fell in love with her and they had him...when the captain was just a pup, his father was killed in a mutiny to over throw the lords...his mother told him that he was nothing more than a man who did trade goods and was killed out at sea during a storm."

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Eragon Fanfiction Teaser.

When the elves learn that you destroyed the only hope the elves have of over throwing galbatorix. a hope we have nurtured for over nearly a century was slain for revenge.

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Mona's New Life Chapter 2

It didn't take long for the tiger to take control, grabbing her by the hips and flipping over, throwing her onto her back with a growl. mona wanted to explode.

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The Fire Child: Chapter 1

Draden shuddered violently and leaned over, throwing up. his mother, dead and charred beyond belief. he saw her, he touched her, he hadn't understood at the time, but that was her. he felt so sick.

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