The Gamer's Crossing 6 - Bury the Shovel

You're sitting here sipping mocha talking to a guitar-playing dog about love, when you could be out there giving yer love to someone else." "i'm just being patient!"

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What I Mean

Here was this elegant, lithe, playful dog, sensuously undressing himself in a semi-striptease, and all he was was a dumb, out-of-shape wolf sitting there on the bed with his boner sticking out and dripping.

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When Father's Away

Ralph said before he growled and pushed the playful dog away. "come here." ralph turned the labrador around so that his side was at his front. "gotta check you for fleas." the wolf said this and reached for a cone sat among the empty beer bottles.

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Dog Tags

Carefully, strong arms guided him, turning him onto his back, rolling over so that his hind-paws hung in the air, pawing about above him like a playful dogs, like his master wanted them to.

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Public Opinion

Anytime anyone hears or sees the name whortleberry we want the first thing that comes to their mind to be the image of a cute playful dog! there won't be a man, woman or child alive that doesn't smile as the thought of your name."

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Spinning His Wheels

"sounds like you need a little someone to come over and help you play dog sitter." " interested? i could let you in...and i don't think selina will mind the extra company."

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The Family Fantasy - Part 4 (A Draconicon story, posted with permission)

She heard his cock jump up as he stared at the display before him, and she reached down and patted it on the head like some playful dog. "enjoying the show?" she muttered. "i...what..." "come on, it's not that different, is it?" "um...yes.

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The Family Fantasy 4

She heard his cock jump up as he stared at the display before him, and she reached down and patted it on the head like some playful dog. "enjoying the show?" she muttered. "i...what..." "come on, it's not that different, is it?"

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Fox Hunt 5

You see, the whole pack was role-playing dogs, and i was a fox. we were all canids, so it's appropriate enough to dog-wash me. that's what the basin, water, soap and cloth were for.

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Palace Heights

My son's golden and brown colored fur shined magnificently in the morning light, and i could just make out the shape of his hear-shaped rear poised and ready like a curious cat or playful dog.

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In Parties (pt. 3 of Full Transfer)

playful dog pose, leo though. "that's silly," the boy's unseeing mother said, tucking a book into her satchel before turning to follow after. she got about ten feet when she saw leo for real. "oh."

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Love At The Zoo

She knew a playful dog when she saw one, and this wolf was definitely copying one. "come on, you can't have my pants." she pulled back, although gently.

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