The Human Species Ch. ?? - Copyrighted Trademark Lucario

_ * * * the show starts with a shadow running through a forest. the shadow belongs to the protagonist, lonesome wanderer lucario, who has chosen to run through the densely grown forest in favor of the road that lies just beside him.

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Good Company

The group of shadows run off away from the small abandoned shop, in which i'm sitting, after some poor fur who just happened have some blue fur.

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Zavyn Chapter 1: History forges Future

I still remember it perfectly: i looked nervously outside the window when the guards walked away, i saw a shadow running close to the walls and then disappear from me, a moment of silence and then i heard a hurried knocking in my door.

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Beatrice Santello (Ch 8) - Love

Heavy eye-shadow running down her face would not leave the sort of impression she was hoping for. she may not have fur, but if casey liked her at all, she wanted to look the best she could for him.

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Beyond Mundane Horizons: A Change of Pace

On a great open plain of grass, as the first rays of the rising sun shone from behind her and over her head to illuminate the landscape and outline her long shadow running ahead, she saw him standing on a hilltop, waiting.

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A fight for life

Off to his right, in his far peripheral vision, he sighted a shadow running between the trees. turning and taking off at a dead sprint, he heard two gun reports, and his heart almost stopped.

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Fever (RP logs)

"i was just interested if you wanted a lesson on shadow running!" ks-- khaesho had just opened his mouth to dive into your cunt, but this sentence gives him momentary pause.

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Riku: Chapter 1

Not able to see over the top of the desk i had no idea it was my shadow running off.

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chapter 2 thats how it happened

After a sort while they had started to retreat into the shadows running away but i had a good feeling that it wouldnt be the last time i had seen the likes of them.

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Shadow's everyday life

I saw shadow running toward where me and jason plumitting. in a split second before we hit the ground we were standing on the ground safely. there was a loud coughing noise. it was shadow and he was coughing up blood.

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Artem the Feral Wolf Chap 2

He barely noticed the bumpy ride and his head was swimming to much for him to observe just where he was being taken to, but as he rode through the forest artem thought that he saw shadows running along side them.

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Just Another Runaway 2; Ghosts of the Past

Malevolence haunted the shadows. running blindly, he turned down a side street and then another, they all looked the same. he was totally lost. glancing back, he thought he could a glimpse of the eyes glowing in the darkness, tracing his every move.

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