Extra Cream

Yes, for aedric and for all other silver dragon males, jerking off in the morning was practically a necessity.

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First Time: Adding a Little Wolf to the Mix

The silver dragon snorted as he pistoned in and out. "more...than....enough..." ren panted, moaning happily as auren hilted on each thrust.

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First Time: Alphas

This only made glauron growl louder and bite the back of his neck again, making the silver dragon his once more.

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Extra Cream: The Test

silver dragons were a curious species, in more ways than one. they were tall, for one thing -- often 7 feet or more, regardless of gender. a silver dragon's palms could generate enough heat to warm up a cup of coffee.

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First Time: Trying New Things

"auren...you're-" "mmhmm," the silver dragon murmured, licking his boyfriend's cheek. "i think i can learn to like this perk."

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What Drunk Dragons Do Best

Both in an act of teasing and that of personal pride for getting at a larger beast, the silver dragon bounded forward and leapt into the air.

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Sins of the Past (6/12)

The silver dragon was hiding out in a grove of trees that even he had trouble squeezing through as he squirmed through the branches.

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Cold Metal: Chapter two: Don't fail master

The silver dragon replied. "yes master, standing down" the tiolix replied, bowing his head, before the portrait disappeared.

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Sonariss's Birthday Gift: Surprise Tentacles

Thus the silver dragon reluctantly opened his maw, parting the silver scaly lips with great hesitation.

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Just One Difference

Next to her, in identical bondage, was a silver dragoness, also slowly squirming and exploring the limits of her movement.

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Love Thy Enemy

The lack of love changed her into a monster, but seeing the invulnerability of the silver dragon, she felt sympathy.

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"what are you-" "shhh," the silver dragoness cut him off, tapping his nose with her spaded tailtip. "i know you want this at least as much as i do."

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