A Back Stage Ass

boat motor in water, the pleasant niose just kind of bubbling out as a joyful greeting.

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Forest of the Amazon

The planet was pulling the ship in like a drain sucks in a toy boat. i did the first thing i could think of. firing the reverse thrusters, i hoped to get enough momentum to escape the gravitational pull.

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Kayla Redux: Currents of Fate

By the time kayla's husband and ‘daddy' came home, kayla was comfortably watching vance play with a toy boat and rubber duck in the water of the tub.

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The Jackal's Fortune

The boy francisco would sit in the water and hold the toy boat at arms length, close one eye and line it up the with the three-masted galleons heading west for the pillars of hercules and on to the new world.

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The Unforgiving Minute

But the he had timed his moves to cog's music coming through the ear buds, and he flowed with it along the route like a toy boat on a fast river. he noticed some of the same creatures again, the bear, the vixen, a few others.

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Chapter 31: A Family to Protect

They also made toy boats and rafts race about with the children riding them.

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Chapter Three

When it grew high enough, he began to float like a toy boat, using his feet to propel him in tight circles around the sink. "you'd probably have more fun in the tub..." i smiled as i watched him bob around. "or a pool."

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:45

On one side, she could see a dusky grey pup standing proudly as he held up what looked like a toy boat that might have been either wade or ulric. on the other side, a white colored pup was trying desperately to claw his way out of the tub.

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*Cub* Pumping Molly - 2011

Kit pointed to the feline lay on his belly at the edge of the peer playing with the old soup can like it was a toy boat at the water. the boy felt his boss's eyes on him and he gulped and hurried away. "she seems like a nice enough lady."

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Tarot Chronicles: Reading 6--The Fool

boat in the other as lowered herself until only her fins and eyes were sticking out of the water, blowing bubbles through her nostrils as she giggled stupidly and sent up another burst of bubbles, her clothing and body steadily turning pinker by the moment

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