Cheolfs: The History of the Species

Both male and female cheolfs are able to walk, run and play ass soon as they are completely free from the birth mother and the umbilical cord. how this aids the cubs is still open to debate and speculation.

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Welcomed to the Pridelands

She soon got to her feet, and inside, an umbilical cord had attached to the little boy,  who soon passed out as his own heart came into sync with nala's. she smiled as she laid down near the three cubs who were playing. the tourist soon took off. 

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Welcomed to the Pridelands

She soon got to her feet, and inside, an umbilical cord had attached to the little boy, who soon passed out as his own heart came into sync with nala's. she smiled as she laid down near the three cubs who were playing.

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Simba's New Mother (Part One.)

Simba asked through her belly.sarafina rubbed her belly where her little passenger was and said, "it's called an umbilical cord. it's to help you regress in age and then allow me to feed you without you having to use your mouth to eat.

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Meaning of Love (A1, B11, C22)

"it has ... an umbilical cord going to your son's navel. the design of this thing seems heavily modified compared to the versions up in the other city."

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The Jungle Book What Could Have Happened When the Wolves Adopted Mowgli

Raksha felt the little man cub kick as well as felt his heart come into sync with her own rhythm as an umbilical cord attached to his navel and caused the man cub to enter a deep slumber.

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Mutt Ch.1 Pride

They herd the sound of a baby crying and looked down just in time to watch the umbilical cord get cut. parla reached for the cub and dr.salm carried him to her. parla looked into his tiny eyes and started crying from joy.

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Chapter 5 - Fate's Cruel Irony

The valkyrie moved forward and began to pick up speed, the umbilical cords that had provided the ship a constant connection to the shipyard's power had reached their limit and tore out of the hull, leaving behind deep scars in the new valkyrie's hull.

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The Modern Slave

Besides the umbilical cord no other apparatuses were attached to the yet-to-be-born puppies, and despite the machine's high-tech nature it looked quite unlike your usual science-fiction movie.

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The Okies

cord and give pearl a muscle relaxant to aid in post-birth soreness.

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A Stormy Situation

Like before he was handed over to roni to be cleaned by tongue and umbilical cord bitten off. she took the warm damp towel from jesse and wrapped the newborn in it. she cradled him, rocking him back and forth to ease his cries.

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