Trials of A Golden Heart Chapter #1 A not so nice beginning

I decided to walk home instead of having to deal with rene's bullshit. walking home was far more relaxing though it took me two hours to get back home.

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Kyo at the Rave (part one)

Kyo was walking home from work but stopped by his friend's house. he knocked on the door but it pushed open. "raven? is everything ok?" he looked around trying to find his friend.

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Taking in a Friend

He opened the umbrella and started walking home. as he was walking home, he heard sounds coming from an alleyway. he tried to pay no mind to it. ""

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The End :: Squeal to Furnapped::

"well, all i can remember is walking home and then being taken some place. dragons! there were lots of dragons and they all were...taking turns in screwing me." kilik blushes lightly from his own explanation.

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Doesnt he see...

I'm sorry i didn't tell you that he was going to take me home, but you shouldn't be all emo and walk home like a little-" "just shut the hell up!" i cried, surprising everyone there. "are you that stupid!

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Kyle and John, Part 3

Can we walk home together?" he asked. "sure, we can walk home together," said john. the dragon morph smiled. when it was time for them to go home, they started walking home.

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the unatural kid chapter1: fast reflexs

I was walking home on surburban side of the city. i noticed a homless dog walking. i walked over to on it. i picked it up and walked home. when i got it home i cleaned it feed it and i gave it water.

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Trade with Puff: Her Romance Part 1

The rain drenched puff as she started to walk home too embarrassed to look back, but secretly happy.

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Black and White - Chapter 5: Two to Tango.

I didn't mind, i never did, but we'd walk home. my arm was on his shoulders. his around my waist. he'd smile as we brought each other home. passing by his house first, and walking home by myself.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 121 - By Whom History Is Written

"why can't we walk home?" emeral questioned, standing up. "we walk home every day," she told mr. pretty. "emeral," the principal leaned over, resting his hands on his knees, his tie dangling down.

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Show Me Your Teeth: Introduction

I began to walk home around 9:00 after asking everyone else for a ride home. i decided to stop in a fast food restaurant to get something quick to eat. well, on the way home, through the city, i walked by a series of alleyways.

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Summer Vacation Begins: A Talespin Fanfic

Kit walked home from the beach and came home after dark. rebecca only had one thing to ask her adopted son "where is your shirt?"

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