PMD: Ventures of Beyond CH:6

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Ventures of Beyond CH: 6 Shiro and Marishi woke up early the next day and treated themselves to an early breakfast. The entrance door opened and Lucario walked in "Have you prepared yourself Marishi?" Shiro turned to his...

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 43 (Inner Demons - Part 1)

**Inner Demons - Part 1** Naruto saw the sun rise, he had barely slept after Sasuke's outburst, feeling guilty about somehow being the cause of it, even if he wasn't sure how. With the sun rising they would soon be on their way to attack the bandit...

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Midnight Raid - Chapter 1, Enemies Revealed

Greoz found himself unconscious, lost within the deep dark Void until, seeing the light in the distance, within his dream, Greoz ran towards it. He began panting heavily as he ran towards it as he reached out, his eyes flung open and he realized his...

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Jenna and the Red Balloon (German)

Jenna and the Red Balloon Es war ein wundervoller Nachmittag als Jenna ihren alltäglichen Spaziergang beendete und sich auf den Weg zu Baltos Boot machte. Balto hatte sie eingeladen den Abend mit ihm zu verbringen und sich die besonders schönen...

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Innocence lost

_She felt it, oh how she felt it. That last hard thrust, and then it came._ _He came, he came like he had never cum before, and he moaned loudly._ _She joined in his moans, soon turning into passionate screams as her pussy clenched down and milked...

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The Academy - Assault

The next morning brought overcast skies, and a light misting of rain. I explained my plan to the other squad members. They asked questions, and made suggestions, but soon, they agreed. I...

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Noi More Berries

"It's a bit of a long story, but I'll try to explain as best I can" --- I've taken the same path to town for years. It's not technically the only one, but it is the only one that takes less than two hours to walk. I live on the side of a mountain....

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DSOTM: The Host with the Most Part 2

The Host with the Most Part 2 January 2013 Story of the Month By Danath []( Visit the site above to vote for next month's story! PLEASE READ PART 1 FIRST! This is a direct continuation and may not make much...

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Kapitel 3 - Kand und Zunder

Der Duft von Herbst und Wald sträubte sein Fell vom Schwanz bis zu den spitzen Ohren. Er, der Wolf, knurrte, dass die Funken stoben und schüttelte sich. Grau und schwarz, weiß um die Lefzen und weich wie sonst nichts auf der Welt. Es war die Asche...

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Waiting for Alimere

The sun was high above Southern Island as Blaze, Marine, and Lionel gathered at the island's dock for the arrival of an incoming ferry. In accordance with a message Blaze received from her mother some days ago the princess was to expect the arrival of...

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The Dragon's Slayer - Ronam

"I can't believe that happened to me," Leonard said as he washed himself in a river, standing knee deep in the cool, flowing water. The sun had risen over the Eastern mountains, bathing the area in bright morning sun; unfortunately, that allowed...

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Off Leash Chapter 7

Chapter Seven I have never been good at waiting. Everyone had gone upstairs through that searing white light and left me downstairs with my sooty paw. Rudy had disappeared, leaving only the trace of his nutty scent hanging in the air. I explored...

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