The White Cub Part One : Please see me

Hey hey hey, it's mah first story. Hope you enjoy it. Also, you can visit my website for other stories that i have written. Just go to []( and enjoy yourself. The White Cub series. By...

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Grand Fur Auto - Payback is a bitch

A while back, someone asked me why I like lions. My answer was "Why not?" That should speak for itself. Grand Fur Auto Payback is a bitch My little brother was only six years old the day he died. He died because he saw something he...

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Joining the Fighters Guild

Joining the Fighters Guild by Kendo Kawabata The realms of Oblivion were tearing apart. There was literally no other way for him to describe it. Lightning was flashing across the sky, more frequently and with more power then it...

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My Sweet Deadra - Chapter 4

My Sweet Deadra - Part Four Love gained, but Love Lost "I'll be waiting in Skingrad at Rosethorn Hall" That was the letter had said when Aleron had finally made it back into the Arcane University and found the scroll sitting on...

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My sweet Deadra - Chapter 3

You know the warning. Don't read if your under the legal age. My Sweet Deadra - Chapter 3 Not for the first time did the Kajhiit curse the name of his superior as he trudged his way through the Jerall mountains above the city of...

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A Favourite Situation Chapter 12

A Favourite Situation Chapter 12 By Kendo Kawabata If Timothy had actually noticed that his cousin had been missing for the last couple of weeks, he certainly wasn't showing it. In fact, the boy didn't seem to even notice that there was an absence...

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A Favourite Situation Chapter 11

A Favourite Situation Chapter 11 By Kendo Kawabata To whom it may concern. It is with regret... To whom it may concern. It is with no regret that I hereby officially resign from my position as worker in my uncles warehouse. And I am also...

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A Favourite Situation Chapter 10

A Favourite Situation Chapter 10 By Kendo Kawabata "Good morning to everyone on this beautifully sunny Saturday morning. The weather outside calls for clear skies and sun sun sun, so slip slop slap. Hey, we got some great music coming up for you,...

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A favourite Situation Chapter 9

A Favourite Situation Chapter 9 By Kendo Kawabata "My friends, I would like you all too once again congratulate my son Timothy. Who has managed to complete his handlers licence, not just three months early and ahead of the rest of the class, but...

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A Favourite Situation Chapter 8

A Favourite Situation Chapter 8 By Kendo Kawabata "Matt seems to have a change in attitude." Thomas said to Spencer as he looked out the window of Spencer's office. The tall flamedramon had surprised Spencer that morning by way of showing up...

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A favourite Situation Chapter 7

A Favourite Situation Chapter 7 By kendo Kawabata The days were not just beginning to pass by in a blur around Matt, they already had. It had just taken him time to notice it. After the incident involving the soft drink and his cousin and the...

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Sweet Delights

Sweet Delights By Kendo Kawabata "Hey, you guys seen Azure anywhere?" The locker room filled with a round of 'no's' and shakings of heads as one by one everyone confimred that no-one had seen the dragon anwyhere. Accompanying the negative replies...

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