Dark Apostle

Dark Apostle Rael laid there for a moment taking stock of his surroundings. The tent was illuminated by two braziers burning incense in the corners of the tent creating a mystic atmosphere. "They really buy this?" Rael asked softly. ...

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Well this is my new story, sorry it took so long. Here is Sabre. Caleb stood by the counter slicing carrots with even rocking strokes, he watched as Tomas and Frederick placed a small piece of grease on the poker to stir the fire. He sighed and...

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The Sentinel

The Sentinel Matthew cautiously walked into the bar, the usual sounds and smells greeted him as he walked towards his usual seat. The uninterrupted thumping beat meant he had arrived in time. Matthew showed up for this every week without fail, he...

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Rise of a Dark Legion

Rael kissed Alayia deeply she fell into the kiss, they slowly subsided onto the floor, Rael broke the kiss so he could scatter kisses down her neck slowly descending towards her breasts. Alayia moaned as Rael's mouth closed around one of her nipples,...

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Free Exile

Free Exile A grave looking badger, an archbishop nonetheless, slammed down his gavel "I pronounce this court in session" he intoned "This knight" he said with a certain amount of scorn in his voice "Has been found guilty of treasonous conduct in...

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A Tangle

A Tangle Syl giggled nervously as she crept around the camp, she was almost certain Hailfire was hiding here but she couldn't even see a glow. They had a running game for who had to keep watch, basically whoever caught the other got to get the...

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The Mountain Pass

Yes I know it has been a while since I chucked one of these out but waiting making the stories take on a whole new level. Lady of Luck: The Mountain Pass "I am serious we have to bar the door" Peter said as they lay in bed. "Oh don't...

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Night of the Assassin, Day of the Hero

The second tale of the Crucifixion series, well here it is. Crucifixion: Night of the Assassin, Day of the Hero The Assassin touched the walls of Kyrrin; it was just too easy these days, within minutes he was in Kyrrin and on the...

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The Mercenaries

Let's Give Them Hell: The Mercenaries "Shit!" Michael roared as the bullets rained around them. "Where is the fucking ammo?" roared Vincent. "How the fuck should I know?" Michael shouted back. Maybe this will make more sense if...

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The is only the Beginning

In all the ages, in the entire world throughout history there has been no more cruel a death than that by crucifixion. Beware if you lack steel in your soul because this story will probably disgust you but it does show one thing a person's ability to...

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Best Left Unspoken

Best Left Unspoken Sunlight fought its way through the dusty window of the local museum and into the small room where the old exhibitions were stored. Katherine sighed as she looked about the room, and there was so much to do but where to start....

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Tavern Wrench

Tavern Wench Light bloomed briefly onto the dimly lit street as the bar door was opened, the torchlight reflecting against the hissing rain, noise from the tavern's patrons spilled out like poor wine before it was cut off again as the door swung...

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