My Writing Commission is Back!

Long story short: I'm no longer in school. Meaning I'm open to anyone wanting to commission me for a written piece! I'm open almost all sorts of commissions such as gay, straight, solo, furry (duh), humans, etc. Just click on the link here and you'll...

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The Weasel, the Sheep, and the Snake.

A Snivy whistles while walking in the forest: His fat cheeks jiggling from each movement. Julian sighs in relief, his hands behind his head, his dick swaying side to side. He stops at an open spot, embracing the sun shining at him. "Ah, this is...

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Screwing Oneself.

... Motionless. Emptiness. Absolute hollow is all there is. Until something..._sparks_. Bright lights illuminate throughout the Void, shining brighter and brighter. Sparkling, dazzling--_vibrating. _The light pulsates, sizzling with...

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The Snack That Plaps Back.

Cracker Kingdom, home of the goldfish crackians! Many roam this vast kingdom, going from one place to the next: Residing in their homes, or shopping for some delicious salts. Heck, some even hang out with each other at the park! Peace is the main...

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Passionate Express.

The train persists across the lush greens, traveling over the wide ocean on the bridge gaping between the forest. A tunnel can be seen from afar, the train arching its way towards it. Sitting at the front of the train lies a chubby fennec fox: A...

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Femboy Party.

"Humph..." A mere imp taps his throne, caressing his cock while gazing up at his red room's ceiling. "Ugh..." His eyes roll, his fingers nudging his head, his short hair clouding his vision a bit. "So...bored." The demon huffs, wiggling his blue...

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Hung Times.

"Phew." The blue jackal drops down a ton of hay, his accent thick and light. "That's the last of em'." The Riolu basks at the sunset in front of his lonesome cabin: Wearing blue overalls with black suspenders keeping it in place. Haven's hands rest by...

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(Reopened) Writing Commission Form!

[]( All the information you're looking for lies within that link there! But to give you an overall summary on what it contains, it contains: - What I'll Write (Feet, Musk, Hyper,...

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Screwing Oneself Further.

"Ngh! Ah! Nyaah!" Rammy moans: Wrapping his arms and legs around the other, getting dicked by the pussyless woman. Her cock slides in and out, the Zoroark purring in delight. She strokes his booty, standing by the bed. The lady fox smirks. "That's...

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Edge of Spring.

"Springville" A well respected name of a casual village lying within Spring Woods, centering around the relaxation of a hot joyful spa. Many people go here after a hard day at work, some even deciding to partake in the gym owned by the mayor herself:...

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Static Havoc.

Somewhere, in the middle of the night, lies a lonesome Zorua: Dawning a white t-shirt and blue shorts while walking along the sidewalk. The city is dark, the streetlights being its only source of sight. Rammy rubs his arms, shivering. "Heh, quite...

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Counting the Night.

The full moon basks down upon this massive forest. Owls hooting, the leaves and bushes rustling--It's a pretty serene and bright night, almost too eerily quiet. And then a car passes by, rev engine ensuing. Driving around the forest is a dark fox...

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