Enthralled by Fire

"Whatever you're trying to do, it ain't gonna work!" the Hrothgar spat with a rumbling growl coming from his throat. The large feline bared his large fangs towards the overgrown lizard walking in two legs that had been responsible for his rough...

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The nervous wolf looked up at the building. The site of a standard apartment complex in the heart of the city loomed above him. Dan checked his phone to make sure he had the right address for the tenth time, took a deep breath and then rang the...

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Time Breaking

And soon came the worst part... The gray wolf sat there on a simple flat rock inside the dragon's cave. Ferien was trembling. His breathing was ragged, his heart racing and he had to keep all of his focus and willpower into keeping himself from doing...

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Mutt Duty

Ripsaw growled with dissatisfaction. The rest of the Rip Warband was sitting rather happily around the table eating their breakfast, but he had been excluded from it. Instead, the charr found himself sitting on the floor by the corner of the room like...

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EverTech Chronicles: Dakota

"Prop him up on the table now," one of the voices ordered. Whoever was carrying him started making an effort to lift him up again. "Hngh... y-yes sir..." The person seemed to have some difficulty getting the kobold's body up on the 'table'. As soon...

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Three's a Crowd

The white wolf's tail kept wagging as he rang the doorbell. The buzzing sound was already familiar to him. The horse standing by his side, however, did not share in his excitement. In fact, it was quite the opposite. As Jack looked at Bruno, the tall...

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Fighter's Piety

"As long as you can control your mind, you can control your body, as long as you can control your body, you can control your destiny." That is what Konrad has always been told by his father while he was growing up. His father was a soldier in the...

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Mind the Teeth

The wolf's ears twitched as he heard the sound of steps approaching outside. Kipp had been laying on the straw bed against the wall of the small, dimly lit room he and his older brother had been left in for the past few days. His brother, Gavin, laid...

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EverTech Chronicles: Aurich

Aurich held his breath. The pleasure was hard to handle. The skunk sometimes thought he had grown used to the tight metal cage encasing his genitals after all these weeks he had been wearing it, but at times like these, he still cursed the damned...

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Let Off With A Warning

It was dark. The wolf whose eyes were concealed by a hood glanced around before stepping into the alley. There was a street light post very close, but its light didn't go too deep into the narrow alleyway between the two large buildings, so the lupine...

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The Dragon and the Princeling

Prince Elias rode up to the cave entrance with a hard expression fixed upon his face, trying to project more confidence than he felt. Too long had his people lived in fear of the creature that dwelled within and it was high time that the royal...

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Third Victim

Everything was black. Something brushed against the wolf's nose. He inhaled reflexively, but when he did, a potent smell assaulted his olphatory senses with such strength that his whole body tensed up. It jerked him awake. Nate gasped. The smell was...

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