Dynasty: Origins, Act 04: Racing Out of Debt

Flying north, bernie and i made record time getting to the carrion speedway due to very little people risked using flight mode.

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From the ashes arose a phoenix; but this was no majestic bird of fire -no myth of the old world- this was a carrion crow of hell, and this wretch was far too terrifyingly real.

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Moon Shadow #4 Thanks Grieving

Laughter fills his ears as he makes good his escape which leads templar to speculate that carrion king is taking an especial interest in him.

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Pre-Determined: A Creation Theory!

_ all three filled became him and the cosmos shrieked in protest as he slid his hands deeper into the carrion blackness of his mouth.

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The Raptor in the Laboratory

Nobody ever ate one - they smelled too bad for even the carrion eaters to want. they took eggs - ok so it was only a couple per nest and that was no big loss, because of all that did hatch, maybe a dozen would survive to adulthood.

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The Wailing Moors

The two of them look up and sees a figure hobbling up to them slowly, carrion birds flying overhead. they begin growling and barking, the figure gets closer. "it's a wolf?" the black lichen infested wolf collapses to the ground with a groan.

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Lord of Anthroan Chapter 4

Even the carrion eaters avoided the area. the raids were infrequent, but they reminded people of why they were here. soldier swung his rifle on his back and started back toward the base.

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Saving the ponies Chapter 15: War on the horizon

"lady celestia, lady luna, meet lord carrion." he pointed to the rat, who waved merrily. "and genera mantycus." he then pointed to the monkey, who did nothing.

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It smelled strongly of dragon, that sulfur-carrion smell. though the dragon couldn't possibly have been living there for long, still the scent seemed to permeate everything.

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466 Snow and Wolves

She's so tired that, in the end, she simply stacks the wolf carcasses around her into a wall, pulling the stained and filthy hides of the carrion up around her like warm furry blankets, to wait the weather out.

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