Making Allies.

coral wagged her tail when his cock appeared from his sheath and began growing with her licks.

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Gray Ambition

Bullet crashes into the coral, breaking it into pieces. the coral blasts apart in every direction, the impact fizzing up the water substantially. the debris begins to settle covering the bull shark with large chunks of shell and coral reef.

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Dragonheart Part 2

#3 of dragonheart part 0-28 the determination of surasshu, as he told the landlady, and he goes to coral port in order to found his clan, they marveled. they've never seen someone so determined.

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Pokemon Lover Studios, Chapter IV

Brendan came face to face, inches from coral duhart. he stepped back in surprise. oh, coral! coral was behind me! you are such a dumbass sometimes.

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Pokemon Lover Studios, Chapter V

coral shouted. "what's wrong?!" "brendan is in danger," lumina whispered into coral's mind. "how?" "it's cash. he's waiting for brendan at the front gate." lumina turned to coral and lifted her arms, fingers outstretched, as if pleading to coral.

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"let's get it done then," her uncle said, dunking down to slip between the wooden beans and into the coral with the bull. vanessa eased into the coral as well, walking toward the bull, which was munching on hay at the other side of the pin.

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"Skylands: The Third Gate" ch.11 (NaNoWriMo 2015)

coral nodded, silent in thought, and then beckoned. "follow me."

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Final Assault

Half a dozen razor sharp coral tips pierced the startled bear's body, blood spurting from his wounds.  

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Legendary Games

The bay was deep and clear, with lots of natural coral structures underneath the shimmering water in a riot of greens, pinks, and purples. the coral made arches, short tunnels, and wide loops.

Summer Fun

They reached the spot cedric had led him to, a ring of coral surrounded on all sides by coral that grew even higher. atop the outer coral grew long kelp plants, surrounding the area in a curtain of green paradise.

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The wedding day

Alyria and jason were each presented a gold and coral ring , and then were ushered into another large coral and stone chamber where they were seated on a pair of coral thrones and "serviced" by a whole thrall of naked, tattooed priestesses while all the other

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"Skylands: The Third Gate" ch.12 (NaNoWriMo 2015)

coral let out a shriek of uncharacteristic rage as her cloak, around her shoulders, shuddered from beneath and was torn free.

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