Font size adjustment: smallerlarger Sir Grandjoy - Chapter One

Jeffery interjected, "he, like, enacted like the first democracy in the ancient kingdoms or something." the badger let out a soft chuckle. "not quite," he said wiping his brow with his sleeve.

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Chapter 4.5 - the hyhenas (gay special)

The "leadership ritual" wasn't very rare but the "democracy ritual" was. the hyhena who pleased the crowd more became the leader. both were given time to prepare. an hour later they both stepped forward. a ring of hyhenas formed around them.

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Into The Breach: Prologue (WIP-Draft 1 Incomplete!!!)

The federal government overstepped their bounds and went from a democracy to a dictatorship. oh sure, they still called it a free republic, but all the elections were rigged and controlled by the white house.

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Maverick Hunter - Chapter 9

Both talrean and aietos practically begged the ship captain to stop back on shang so that they could get supplies, to which he replied, "this is not a democracy." even now the wolf himself wished he had listened to them.

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Factory for the World

If you ever get the guts, and the stripes, then maybe then i will have some faith in democracy. and if you ever amount to something," he added with a weak smile, "make them give me a better name next time."

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The Black Volcano

It's not a real kingdom anymore, it's kind of a squishy thing between monarchy and democracy. the queen is, since a few hundred years - most of them inside the darkness - one of surulams daughters, but she does not know, that he is her father i.

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Llijah Teng Cuu Biography

As a young lad, his parents told him great stories of the world beyond the borders of their glorious homeland, of democracy and freedom, and all that good nonsense.


Wolfentraum: One

America - liberty, freedom, democracy: concepts so noisome and awful it was as though a door had shut in hell, and from the upthrown infernal brimstone came forth the whole of this nation.             all this was illusion.

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Love and Radiation Prologue

They were dedicated to old world values, democracy and the rule of law.** **as the republic grew, so did its needs. scouts and rangers spread east, seeking territory and wealth, in the dry and merciless expanse of the mojave desert.

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Tamarar - World Overview

Their empire is ruled by a true democracy, or as close as one can get to such a thing when your empire spans multiple cities.

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Victernus - Chapter 7

I will not fold myself under this so-called democracy again. he laughed. i'm already a fugitive anyway. there's nothing else i can do here.             she stood up and rested against the tree, putting her hands in her pockets.

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History of a Sex Casual World

Some time after their rise of democracy, sexual expression became a hot subject.

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