
discouraged. hopeless but searching for hope anyway. they did not find their evidence. they found a history of death and mass murder. the alien council showed all of these images and more to them.

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Inner Struggle-chapter 3.5- Bad Timing

When that freshman kyro or whatever his name was came out of the closet that severely discouraged me from doing the same because of how he was treated.

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Writer's Log #3 - Progress!

I originally planned to do one a week, i just got kinda discouraged from the lack of engagement.

Character Sheet: Evan Lockwood

His father's steps and become a knight; his bard skills allow him to use a type of magic that operates with music, which he exploits either by singing or by playing his lyre; this magic allows him to create various effects both in enemies and allies, like discouraging

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Friendly Direction: chapter 2

discouragement soaked his words making them heavy. "i fool around with a lot of stuff, but nothing holds my interest long." "well then, what are your passions?" "isn't that the same question?" "no. your passions are emotion driven.

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A Soldier at Heart Teaser Sample

He had said it was mainly to discourage any would-be militia activity in the area. i wasn't exactly top of my class in tactics but i sure as hell knew that wasn't why cps were set up. whatever was really going on, i probably didn't want to know.

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Slave of a Dragoness - Test

The earth discourages my presence to this unforgiveing world. furiously my body roars, 3 days without any food or satisfying sleep feels like centuries. my body got hurled into the sky followed by a spine chilling snap.

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Sunbeam Town: Farrago's Memories

"a good spanking would discourage that kind of behavior." "i don't know. i keep telling him the other kids would stop making fun of him and hitting him all the time if he just wore boy's clothes, but he doesn't..." she sneaks back to bed.

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Inspire Me

It refuses to let me sit in misery or wallow in discouragement. it believes that all obstacles can be overcome with enough will power and perseverance.

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Two Voices

It's discouraging but she can't let itget to her. she waits, as usual.finally, a tall deep blue wolf in a scarlet hoodie and jeans notices her work.

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Research Log [#008]

Whilst the government did allow the lapd onto the scene, they apparently seemed very vague about the situation, even discouraging the lapd to investigate. despite this, apparently the investigations are going ahead anyway, being led by sergeant a.

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Lonely Road

No, i refuse to let this discourage me. i will have to concoct a plan to get back at everyone. it will require a delicate touch. maybe a video i can show at this year's graduation? but that will have to wait for now i suppose.
