D.M.O.N. Chapter three

All the students were already in their classes still talking to each other until the teacher arrive at the class which turns out miss kamiya entered home economics class where al's is in right now.

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Fun with a Fantasy

Damein lay in his warm bed, his window had never been very economic. that was what his teachers had always called it, economic, efficient, conservative.

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My Feet

Growling softly, he rolled his eyes and shook his head, "tuesday means wading through economic news to make sure the paper hasn't missed one depressing detail. and don't think i didn't notice you failed to answer my question, rodent."

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OR: Varandions

Varandions take a laissez-faire approach to economics, letting individuals and companies freely practice business as long as it doesn't interfere with rights of personal property.

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The economic district it was called; the central hub of the wealth and power of the odon colonies.

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Lore: Lupiad-Sirian Empire

Sirians are often drawn to the worlds of diplomacy and economics, having an intense business culture that emphasizes good relations and honest deals with fellow businessmen.

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Intertwined - Chapter 4

He was very attractive for his age and fit the look of a gym teacher more than a home economics teacher. "do you agree with this argument?"

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Ch6. Training your Colt

"you pushed cory into the lockers and were a jerk during economics." the colt looked at me indignantly for a second and snapped at me. "fuck you! that little twerp is a shit, and what the fuck do you care about what i do in economics?" i stared.

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We Are Alone in Our Closet

"i'm getting tutored in economics." there is another pause as her smile fades completely. "no i'm not out with mike. i'm just getting tutored so i can pass my economics class." her brow furrows during the next pause. "i'm not lying, reggie.

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Humbling the jocks Chap 4

Humbling 4 economics 101. here, donny was learning all about money and how it is put to work in a society. although economics was not as simple as that, he took the class with monica sanders, doug, and dean.

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The Little Corporate Hen - A Fable

The Little Corporate Hen set out one day to make some bread. While gathering supplies she met the Mouse. The Mouse said "I could help you gather the flour if you let me have some of the bread". But the Little Corporate Hen said "You don't have five...

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School For Slaves Chapter 1

These two covering math and, well, home economics, you know, cooking, cleaning, and the like? well i managed to get in trouble, again, in math.

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