Writing Exercise 1: The End of Downtown Crossing

#1 of writing excercises was part of a writing exercise series i tried doing. haven't updated in a while though. this particular one is an idea for a zombie novel that first started as a rework the dead fanfiction, set in metropolis boston.

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A Trip to Extinction

"nae, ye jus' need some excercise, tubby. now then. people are obviously goin' ta blame this whole wall thing on ye, even though they dun' seem to mind much at tha time bein'.

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A Trip to Extinction

"nae, ye jus' need some excercise, tubby. now then. people are obviously goin' ta blame this whole wall thing on ye, even though they dun' seem to mind much at tha time bein'.

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I swam and ran for excercise, while he boxed and used weights. don't get me wrong, snow was not an overmuscle meat head who could not move quick enough. he was limber and agile, most of which i believe he had to thank from his feline genes.

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Non-Traditional / Non-Binary / Same-Sex relationships in WtV

/ medieval / ancient rome / ancient egypt setting of mine, there are the amazone zebras:_zebras_with a hundred femaels per male, the males are kept in a harem - for their safety ;) - and though basically a bit bigger than their females, the only physical excercise

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Prologue: Open Seats and Open Hearts

What started off as a simple writing excercise to get myself over writer's block is slowly evolving into a story all its own, and it's been a blast to write and tweak and add on to.

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Sun Set Ch.2 A New Hero or Monster

I told him my name and he marked me down as present, he asked me to go do some 'physical excercise'. i walked around and then i over heard some commotion, it was coming from behind the locker rooms.

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The Forgiving: Prologue

._ i tried hard to not freak out, excercised my calming methods but as soon i heard some footsteps behind the door i had it!

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Average Day At The Wolfe House

He pulled open his t-shirt drawer, which was filled halfway with actual t-shirts and then the rest with excercise tank-tops. "you're light blue one should be fine, is that clean?"

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Always Know What You're Pouncing On

All that eating and not enough excercise made her claws dull and gave her more weight to pull up branches. he started climbing, thinking from up there, he'd be able to see where he was.

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Beau - Prologue

I still liked sports, and had taken to swimming for my own excercise routine. i had a number of straight male friends who had no problem with a gay male standing amongst them, drinking at the bar.

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Hot Stuff in a Spa!

Perhaps an excercise club, as he could hear a few hints of grunts and clatter of something. maybe weights, or maybe something more erotic. "oh no, this is a club to enjoy the death of others sexually, and a spa as well of course.

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