
The croc saw its chance at this point and slid forward pushing itself over gene. "feisty!" gene sighted the croc's massive cock, and gene lay himself on his stomach, giving the gator access.

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CORE Appearance

gene stood up and began pacing. "gene..." "i mean, i do like you a lot but i don't want my lust to get in the way of that, it's one of the few things that is really working for me." gene continued pacing. "gene." ft stood up.

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Back to Basics

Finally she moved up again and kissing gene brought her pussy over his cock. she lowered herself a little more and gene thrust upwards, penetrating krystal who gasped in pleasure.

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Frequent Flyer

Vindaloo shaved his shin with an electric razor as gene departed.

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Dedication of a slave

The dragon had slipped the collar onto him and had said it would never come off until he deemed gene no longer useful, but gene didn't mind the collar on.

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Virtual Made Reality

Tilting his head upwards, he wasted little time in swallowing little gene.

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Birds of a Feather Squawk Together

G-gene! help me!" "i don't think you want to do that." terrence said, looking at gene who froze in his tracks in coming over to aid his brother. "do you, gene?" "wha-hawwwwt are you doing!?"

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Mercenary Work

"well, i...uh, what do you think, gene...gene?" i muttered, glancing to where gene was standing, only to find that the human had already started to undress and make his way over to the two lovers.

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Old Work, New Love

"you are gene yes?" his mouth flaps moving deftly to articulate the words and slowly gene nodded, his hand straying back a little, ready to grab a weapon...

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The Fate of the First Flame

gene rose up more quickly this time, facing his opponent as he charged at him once more.

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