Is love enough?
(reava's pov) the liepard looked at jeff, noticing he wanted to say something. now was her chance. she closed her eyes and prayed it worked like lily said it would.
New Beginnings Ch 20
"that leaves either eevee or liepard." he looked to the two females and though he didn't want to choose between them, the choice was made for him when liepard padded away to stand next to mightyena. "fair enough then liepard.
Blooming Flower - Chapter 6
The liepard had left just like apollo had asked.
Blooming Flower - Chapter Eight
Apollo lept at the liepard.
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 35 - A Warrior Reawakened
The liepard stood up hastily. "perfect. so we ready to go then?" "no." "did you not hear me?! everyone you hold dear could potentially come to ha-" "and who are you to judge who i hold dear if i may ask, damn it??"
Watcher of Arcues Chapter 20
The liepard states hardly even paying attention to the man as he shakes with rage, as his hand shakes as he tries to not shoot at the insolent liepard. the two men with the third guy laugh a bit as their comrade's face goes a bit red.
Pokemon Team Valiant: Family... (Arc 6.5 Final chapter)
The liepard leaned down to pick up the stolen totem again, but thanks to luke's extreme speed he managed to catch up with the liepard and smacked it _hard_along the face with his bone rush.
New Beginnings Ch 16
Vael hugged liepard with one free arm, leaning in to press his forehead against hers. "i knew you could do it liepard. i am so proud of you."
Blooming Flower - Chapter 7
I glared back at him, not really wanting the liepard in my room. the liepard just sighed sadly at my reaction. "oh well... i guess i'll just stay curious. maybe i'll check it out later while you're sleeping.
The sex poker party
The liepard didn't change any of them. they finally showed their cards. the winner was aqueus with a straight flush. the other rivals lost and aqueus used his psychic powers.
The unwanted change part 2
She was not as strong as the female liepard but eva had her hormones at elevated levels and she was scratching and biting the female. the liepard used shadow ball and hit eva in her leg. eva used slash and sliced the eye of the liepard.
When Bonds Move Further
With a choked roar from the liepard and a lust driven moan, their hips connected one last time before they reached their twin peaks.