When I met a jackalope...

"Tell us about it again father," said the youngest of the group. He sat back so quietly after that that his father seemed to be able to do little more than appease the boy's rapt attention with the...

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Tony and Liz: The Night They Met

Tony and liz: the night they met "are you sure, man? i'm tellin' you, it's pretty good stuff." "no, i think i'll just stick to my drink." "suit yourself."

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When Yote Met Foxy

The sky was gray and a chilling drizzle sprinkled the streets of Port Cascadia, making the coyote shiver a little beneath his jacket as he walked down the street. "At least it'll be warm in there." The coyote thought as he rounded the corner...

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How I met her

How i met you my sweet girl j entry 1 j dear diary, hello, my name is mary and i'd like to tell you the story of how i met my precious kitty elly.

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How Simonzu met Andrew

I was drying my fur off with a towel and wrapping it around my waist as I noticed him across the locker room. He moved his head quickly away as he noticed me looking back. I blushed a little but continued with my routine. I had never had someone...

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Ferret Chronicles- Then we met.

A ferret wed never met in person but had talked to on the phone the last two years, maliwakee. "well i could pay for gas? i mean i wanna see the look on tyler's face when his best friend shows up to his house" i said giggling.

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How I met Boston

The question took me by surprise; firstly, i hadn't expected him to want to stay and secondly, it was a rather direct question to be asking someone you just met. wasn't he worried i wanted to eat him just moments ago? "uh, no, i guess you can stay.

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When Howard Met Nova

Howard sat in the Lunar Sans cocktail lounge waiting on his dirty martini. It was an over priced joint, with over priced liquor and filled to the gills with over stuffed bureaucrats. They were the sort of folks who would try to hide as much of their...

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The night she met him.

Celeste slammed the front door shut behind her and took off down the road. It was on in the morning and as usual her father was drunk off his ass and her mother was off whoring around with different men. The fox folded her ears back as she pulled her...

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how art and vex met

That he completely fell over. this is their story they met casually at a steakhouse just outside hollywood california just outside of the joint they somehow met if vex the fennec fox had been a minute late he would have missed art. both of them had a few

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When Harry Met Sally

Harry woke up, sweating. The damned air conditioner had broken again, and with eighty-degree temperatures every day, his small bedroom got positively stuffy. Even though he'd opted only for a thin, blue sheet, naked underneath, the warmth had woken him...

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The Day I Met You

#1 of the day i met you this is my first time writing and submitting so please do criticize it, but don't be too harsh. ;( as i lay cuddled in his arms, i reminisce about what happened that day.

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