
A misfit. always. and was part of that ... by choice? did he do this to himself? misfit. until adelaide had come along. the pink-furred, strong-willed bat. until she'd entered his life. until she'd attempted to decipher him.

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Sixteen

"the cause" was very new back then, and the pre-teenagers had only been a bunch of street urchins, kicking cans and throwing rocks at other misfits, he'd been noticed by riskar, huddling with his arms around his sides rocking back and forth, as the madness

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Mewthree's Christmas Carol - Prologue

The misfitting duo of mew and mewtwo decide to bring back the old traditions and enforce their very own brand of christmas spirit... for better or worse!

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Mewthree's Christmas Carol - Food

The misfitting duo of mew and mewtwo decide to bring back the old traditions and enforce their very own brand of christmas spirit... for better or worse!

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Mewthree's Christmas Carol - Alcohol

The misfitting duo of mew and mewtwo decide to bring back the old traditions and enforce their very own brand of christmas spirit... for better or worse!

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Runaways: Pt. 4

Hatchet just nodded, feeling like he was a misfit among misfits, all because he had never had an experience with another male before. "that's..." alpha smiled wide. "that's awesome!

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A boy who learns about himself with a little help from a new student **daydreams** a mutt is what i am; a misfit in life who can't do anything right. i'm not strong, i'm not smart, and i can't do anything of interest.

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The Bread Also Rises, Chapter 1

A caravan of travelers, most of whom are misfits seemingly like yourself, and with your bread you have effectively become one of their ranks.

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Jerk Off - Short Story

At his age he wished for better opportunities, his freelancing only got him so far, so he had to settle with dealing with the humans, the animations and other misfits.

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Mewthree's Christmas Carol - Present

The misfitting duo of mew and mewtwo decide to bring back the old traditions and enforce their very own brand of christmas spirit... for better or worse!

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Ch.4 Another Misfit

Jane looked around. Nothing but dry, dead grass as far as the eye could see. But there was more lining the field. There were bodies littering the area, their blood seeping into and feeding the grass beneath them. Jane was shocked, and just crept...

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The Demon Misfit, Chapter 2

The demon misfit, chapter 2 by william w. kelso when i woke up at first i didn't remember where, or what, i was right away.

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