Chapter 19: Challenge accepted

Said nami 'everyone, relax we're not going to do anything to him, that would put our family names in danger,' said ty 'look like i just got out of trouble,' said alex 'ty, why are you protecting him?'

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"uh-oh, looks like captain is pissed again" chii whispered to nami. burning city police department worked differently then most police departments.

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So Who is Namyrolis?

Enjoy ~namy~ [\_play\_all&shuffle=914250](

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Chapter 1

"g'night, nami," craig sighed quietly, turning the lamp off and storing it in the watch.

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Vari Points of View and Mindset - Beta

Vari as a culture view very many things in a different light than their non-Vari sub-species. Such views can be seen throughout their day, and while not overly apparent, one can see them do things differently. Vari as a whole tend to be fairly...

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Team Valiant Arc 7.5 Chapter 6: Brothers of Azure

My decision hasn't changed; knowing someone like that is out there, i can't leave nami and tyde. i wouldn't be able to stop worrying about them...

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Immortal, Chapter 6 - Nameless

nami matsuta!" he roared spinning his wrist. suddenly a long trail of water spilled form his wrist. spinning faster it suddenly went rigged and a great white trident formed in his palm.

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Amura Daughter of the Cat

I'm nami, by the way." the girl walked over to a bench and amura followed. "okay, what have you got?", nami inquired. amura removed her worn golden bracelet, and set it on the bench.

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Book One of Rabbits Part 4 of 29, "All of this, is ours. We built this."

He hears the babbling of one of his baby siblings and looks over his left shoulder to see ashley and nami both staring at him through the bars of the kit-crib. he makes a funny face to get them to laugh.

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Chapter 10

Went stiff, the joints straightening as the metal suddenly stuck together, making it look like the unknown canine was standing to attention, before turning to the two still conscious girls, he smiled almost apologetically, "i'm just going to fetch karen and nami

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Zootopia: Dirty Hairy part 4

"where's a ladder so i can escape the brown-nami." fritz turned his head..."ok david...i have to teach you the proper times to throw sarcasm." "your young partner here has spirit." woundwart said.

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Cy obóz wzajemnej nami?tno?ci. podgrzane drewno strzela?o i bucha?o na wszystkie strony. smok podczas swojego mocnego wsadu nachyli? si? teraz w rozkoszy ku wilczej g?owie, a drugi przyjaciel podczas buchni?cia roz?wietlaj?cego ognia otworzy?

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