Kyle and John, Part 3

It was the first week of october, and he was using his iphone to track nasa's reports of saturn's orbit. there was reports of a little deviation here and there, but nothing awful.

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Still, since nasa was ready to declare the mission done and retire the rover, jake had nothing to lose.

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Black Project Files Chapter 12: The Time Vertsex Part 5

Found out that she has been sleeping with him for a while then saw his dark navy colored nasa commander's uniform on the bed. at the crew lounge: the male dragon now known commander wickenburg was directed to a booth by an extra cheerful comm.

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Days Relived

He was smiling, in a nasa space suit. he held the helmet between his arm and his side. the smile was wide as he looked through the screen at his son. his father had sent lucas every image he took, this one was sent just yesterday.

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Itan's Unfortunate Day 5 {PART 1}

I had just returned from seeing the nasa control center and headed straight for my room since i was feeling hungry.

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A furry situation 2

"astronaut rick of nasa is alive on the canine's planet, but his current where abouts are unknown. nasa head is sending a couple of astronauts with our visitors in hopes of locating rick. here is some video of our visitor's planet."

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Toni's Diary Entry #7 - The Universe vs. the Six-Inch Monster

nasa shared with everyone pictures of the mysterious orb from behind the moon, and it took no time to connect the dots: this fucking orb turned an entire country into mass murderers.

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The Empire of Planets Story series

Ryan benson was born in 1978 ad on earth (toronto, canada) 2014 ad ryan worked for the toronto blue jays as a gm. 2036 ad he joined nasa. 2042 ad his ship went missing. 0 tep he found that earth was not formed yet. 10 tep he founded the empire of planets

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Pitch Episode 37: Drums

"or nasa," he joked. "be serious. what do you mean by hunters?" i said. "you know goblins are new to living out in the open.

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He was a botanist by trade, profession, and passion, but he had worked for nasa as well as teaching at uf.

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The Final Frontier (Chapter 1 - Launch Day)

nasa did their best though, they at least balanced the male to female ratio 4 to 4, and the furry to human ratio 4 to 4. i figure though if the people in charge down home didn't want us here, we wouldn't be.

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