Great War pt. 1

"no", he shouted, it was too soon the process was only at eighty percent, it needed to be at ninety-five before it could finish itself. he raced to override the doors and then a loud "boom" as one of the engines explodes from the corrosion.

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Wasteland Survivor – Union - ch12

"~ "by the way big brother, i believe the count is ninety one to me, eighty six to you." i taunted him. ~"impudent whelp! i let you have those as practice, so you may hope to one day be as proficient a hunter as myself!"

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The Adventures of Devlin Mythryll Episode Twelve: Informer

"i am ninety-nine percent positive that it is her." "you are only ninety-nine percent sure? that means that there is a one percent chance that you are wrong." "i know but the chances that i am wrong are slim. besides, what do you want me to do?

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Shark Love Chapter 1

We got into our police cruiser, ninety-eight. i turned the ignition, and the v8 engine roared to life. i put the cruiser into reverse and backed out of the parking space.

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The Disciplinarian

"ninety seven.... ninety-eight... ninety-nine... one hundred!" the cheetah exclaimed as he finally finished his reps, panting a bit as he sat up and toweled his face off "perfect warm up before i teach night school."

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Mingling Universes - Chaos Threshold

**Mingling Universes - Chaos Threshold** _by Zmeydros_ ~Tuesday, 09/28/1993 - Tengen~ The desert around me was basically a sun-powered pottery oven. I was the pottery. The fact that my fur hadn't been set aflame was the only thing I had going for...

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Dealing with Problems the Lewis Way 1

"ninety-six. ninety-seven - great, i wanted to do just that. now, before we go i need to talk to you about something important. ninety-nine. hundred!" lewis collapsed onto the ground, panting heavily.

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Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapters Eighty Five - Ninety One

." \*\*\*\*\* **chapter ninety** \*\*\*\*\* in his dreams, vakaal stood on familiar golden sands. dunes stretched endlessly in impossibly perfect lines. a warm breeze ruffled his fur, and hot sands shifted beneath his toes.

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The Good Cat

One hundred and ninety. down from four hundred eighty -- that means a decrease of... two hundred and ninety nests. two hundred and ninety.

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After Armageddon Chapter 2

The speedometer reads eighty, eighty-five, ninety, ninety-five, one hundred. seeing my house coming up fast i slow down and stop outside of the house. will and i get hector out of the back of the truck and carry him inside.

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Jem's Bad Week (Part 7)

I'll be back in ninety minutes, and then we'll continue your punishment detail!" the sergeant turned and strode away to his hoverjeep. a moment later, jem was standing in the box, staring out at an empty parking lot. but not really empty.

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