The Salac Tournament: Calm before the storm

Allie for the kbi, kudzco the nuzleaf for hia, yin for team magma, and the mr. nido of team rocket hoenn.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Rustboro City

The same went for nuzleaf too. taillow would face some serious difficulties and wingull wood be a possibility as he was part water and flying. ralts was a decent choice but lacked powerful moves at the moment.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Challenging Flannery

The final trainer was another picnicker who challenged me with a sandslash and i sent out my nuzleaf having him use razor leaf defeating sandslash.

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Poke Quest chapter 1 : Disaster at Dusk

Out from the tree line ran a nuzleaf with a terrified look on his face. quox could tell that tir was out of breath as he made it to the wall and collapsed against it. "it's tir!" quox shouted out. "open the gates! something spooked him out there!"

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Route 120

I had been continually searching and listening out for leaf stones for nuzleaf and lombre but wasn't having the best off luck. however they were both patient and would not hurry me along.

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Round 1: Kanto

Sempa: seedot... anger results in nuclear like explosions, also learned such attack at early level, catching us by surprise, last time seen, it was a nuzleaf 6.

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Shiny Hunting

Normally, there were a few that lingered around, perhaps the occasional nuzleaf, but you at least heard something from time to time. today though, just silence. well, aside from the rustling bushes.

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Deeper and Deeper

As he stepped into the next room, the lucario saw two more foes sitting there - a scraggy and a nuzleaf, the inanimate plushies' stitched smiles seeming more like menacing grins to the experienced adventurer.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Granite Cave

Lombre and nuzleaf were enjoying their time training in the cave as they had a type advantage against nearly everything that lived here.

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Pokemon Dominance Club pt2

'yes, you appeared to be concentrating very hard when you had that nuzleaf licking at your pussy' medicham just gave a coy smile. 'but to answer your empty minded question' continued drowzee.

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Pokemon Domestic to Feral: Epilogue

The nuzleaf answered. "damn we were supposed to be fine until after the rangers left, that's what they did before." "umm." jolteon interrupted. "tavi says they were brought here by rangers."

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Pokéballs: Pregame Pump-Up

At a glance, isaac could see a tall persian that he recognized from tryouts, along with a nuzleaf, an emboar, and a krookodile. the sound of running showers echoed from around the corner.

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