Dalliances of a Dragon Sage, Chapter One

There had long been an element of trust between them, that jinisa would not turn her into a puppet, as some psionically-gifted and morally-suspect dragons would.

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Joined in Mind and Body - Chapter 3

"that is a personal psionic dampening unit, or p.p.d.u.," tyrin told him. "some humans are more sensitive to the psionic background noise from kathari.

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Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure: Background Information 7 Magic and Science - Sources of Power, Sources of Corruption

The primary difference between psionics and magic is that while magic reaches directly into the pool of universal creative energy, psionics actually only reaches into the raw will of the user.

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Joined in Mind and Body - Chapter 18

Psi storms were similar to electrical storms on any other planet, however with millennia of exposure to psionic energy, this planet's storms were psionicly charged.

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Joined in Mind and Body - Chapter 15

I'm a healer psionicly and it looks like i changed myself. i honestly only found out about my own psionics a few days ago." had it been that recently? wow. "amazing!" the kat murmured. "well, the best of luck to you two in the future.

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Chronicles of a Half-Dragon: Chapter 3: The Subtleties of Psionics

"your first lesson will be to move this stone with psionic power." i gave him a confused look. "uh, how exactly am i supposed to do this?" although i knew of psionics, i had no idea on how to actually use it. "first close your eyes."

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Joined in Mind and Body - Chapter 11

The psionic tac net indicated an entourage of a dozen ships peeling off to engage the karenthis and several enemy carriers began to disgorge fighters at a rapid rate. the psionic tac net announced the change before sybelle did.

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Joined in Mind and Body - Chapter 14

_"you may not reach outside yourself with your psionics. nor may they, unless you try to do something psionicly inside yourself. then they can try to block it and you can try to block them. it's usually just best not to use psionics much.

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Ch 4 The S.U.W.

And unintentionally used his psionic powers and threw nate into the wall.

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Pandora's Templar - Chapter 18

Roughly two days after the disbanding of said council, i immediately set the plan for rescuing tawkami's females in motion by sending a message to the three local clans in the area - the ikran, pa'li, and kilvan clans - via the dragon weyr's psionic communications

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Pandora's Templar - Chapter 14

As the furious, crackling cerulean energy of the psionic storm continued to rage about and over them, 'they who could not see' began to make a 'tactical retreat.'

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