Fallen Angel - Remastered

It was getting close to midnight when a lone figure slowly made his way down the boulevard. Anael was the angel of love and he felt his job was boring anymore. He yearned for something exciting in his life. He spent most his time playing cupid and...

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Dragon Heart (Remaster)

**Chapter One** A young human and his book, some humans now a days would rather spend their time going online and reading the book there, but the sound of a page flipping to...

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A glimpse of... (Remastered Version)

Ohkay... This version is much better than the previous one, all thanks to Jared Todd here, who offered me to edit it. There are some changings with where the sex takes place, the dialogues, well... Why don't you try it out by yourself? Contains sexual...

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A Dragonair's Reach (remastered)

The reason why i'm remastering all these old stories will become apparent in the near future~ jeffrey handed his pokemon over to the park's security and paid the $500 admission price at the front gate. "we hope you have a good time!"

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The Riddle (Remastered Edition)

Part 1 He slowly woke up, his head pounding. He slowly opened his eyes, surprised by the bright colors of the room. The walls were painted in cheery pastels, certainly not the normal look of a room for someone to be imprisoned. Jeremy slowly sat up....

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Silent Guardians (Remastered)

**silent guardians (remastered)** **written by: spudz** space was utterly devoid of existence, yet so peaceful and magnificent to those fortunate enough to travel across its vast expanse.

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Blind Service - Remastered

Orientation was always the biggest pain of going to college. For Koji, it was even more difficult in a couple of aspects. The first being the college he was going to was in the Kanto region of Japan and secondly, he was a blind grey wolf. It was barely...

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Arctic Hearts - Remastered

Aiko spent a lot of his time on the road. He had grown accustomed to it by now but where he was going had to have been the coldest place on earth. It wasn't exactly where he had hoped to go for his assignment, but where else was he supposed to get core...

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The Heartbreak Hotel - Remastered

C block, not your typical place for a little arctic fox, like Hashigo. He was still wondering how he ended up in a position like this. Tossed in with gang bangers, thieves, and other undesirables that have plagued society. Hashigo knew there were some...

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Mirror Peer Remastered

"Valedictorian of Whispervale Academy, the most prestigious magical academy a human can hope to get into, record holder for the highest marks yet achieved in their dreadfully difficult final exam, and a graduation with a mastery of mysticism and aura...

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A Mew's Desires Remastered

It was a nice winter day and Mewry was hard at work in the Cafe del Femenino when the owner paid a visit... The owner, Shizu was a cute anthro white rabbit and spared no time in asking his waiter Mewry if he wanted anything. Mewry jumped when...

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Journal to Dad, Entries 1-3

This is technically a "remastered edition" of entries 1 through 3, so not all submissions will be this lengthy. usually i just submit one entry at a time but these had to be edited for grammar, it was easier just to put them all together.

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