Receiving End

. :) magnum (c) me location: teravous 4, teravous system affiliation: empire of to'heil 06:57 hours in orbit stands a small fleet playing stand off with our forces down here, our orbital guns are getting ready to take aim at them, most are retrofitted

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Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.10

Though i'm afraid i won't be able to retrofit it with gravity drives. even if i had the microsingularities to spare it's just too radical a redesign, the conversion drive at least is still a rocket." horizon nodded. "thanks anyways.

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A New Contemporary Resurrection Chapter 02

I said "yup" she said "also, retrofitted to non-prescription? it may not be what got us together, but we couldn't see shit to save our lives if our said lives counted on it. i obviously got better, but you?" i said "same.

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Passions Flames Pt 3: Training

It had recently got a retrofit from a new gym leader who had changed its theme from plant poke'mon to bug type poke'mon and bugs creeped me out. outside the gym were several hopefuls waiting in a single file line.

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Brood Father ch.5

The retrofitted personal quarters she and the two others with her were using as the colony planning office was still a mess of tablets on the desk, cables across the floor, and the pile of trash all swept to one corner.

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Party Planning: So Furry House Party

"ya, i had them retrofit one of the jacoozie tubs on the second floor into a saltwater fish tank and bought eight of these genetically modified giant squid to put in it, without going into details the little fuckers really know how

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Behind Yellow Eyes: Chapter 21

They take damage and can be ruined just like anything else, so modern shields and weapons were retrofitted right away.

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Bear Ass Naked (final major edit)

The piper easily fit this impromptu runway, absorbing the bumps with its retrofitted bush tires. after unloading the plane, the white wolf and her black companion kicked back on the custom futon. he rested an arm on the back, behind soren.

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Crosshairs (unfinished story)

Having seen battle more times than it looked like, the old lion had to have several robotic prostheses retrofitted onto his body, including a dense titanium skullcap encasing his cranium.

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Even before the retrofits, it was quite the stronghold with which to hold out in.

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Even with the retrofits for military needs during and after the hundred year war, the truly first great war, a century of peace left them in neglect, and later reconverted into more useful mercantile shipping lanes, wreaked havoc on logistics.

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