Dry Eyes, Cold Hearts (Ch. 5)

"truthfully, 'tis the curse of we runts, if ever we fight and prove our strength, it is sacrilege, and we must be buried alive, immediately, that our evil souls might be locked within the earth."

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The Golden Age: Chapter 3

The enormity of the sacrilege the phocians had committed was beyond belief, beyond comprehension. almost no greater crime against our gods was imaginable, and we all knew that we could not let such an act go unpunished.

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[Commission] Adventuring sucks; or the pitfalls of vagabond life

For the widely accepted such as alcohol and tobacco, to the more frowned upon options of downing a couple of energy potions at once to get a buzz, to the more sacrilege eating of mushrooms, which was usually forbidden by anyone outside of certain spiritual

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Send Off

The law spoke clear: the crime, sacrilege; the sentence, to be judged by the matriarchs. it was justified._shut mind. be the beast._ queen jazin the cunning, offering a chalice, motherer of the bloodline of loft, that of her grandeur.

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It's a Ring Thing

That would be sacrilege.                 a few hours later everyone gathered together. edward's chest was healed, but like maggie, he was going to retain a scar for the rest of his life.

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What Once Was Eden: Chapter 6 Part 3 of 3

She wasn't sure if it was honorary or sacrilege, although its intention had probably been pure. "huh," gregor said indifferently, "we managed to get two you know?"

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Chapter 3

That's practically sacrilege!" nate sighed, "it's complicated, and it would take a long time to explain. i'll just say that it's for really stupid reasons that i don't agree with, and even though it's illegal doesn't mean it isn't everywhere."

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Tribal Lore - Prologue

To shamanistic foretelling i was to be a woman to lead a tribe, which was considered pure sacrilege in the eyes of others of my tribe.

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Nature and Manufacture (Chapter 2 - Gates and Legalities)

Her mother had returned to her family in egypt many years before, screaming sacrilege and unable to process her fourteen year old daughter's refusal to accept ecclesiastical traditions, her father had seen no more need for pretense now that they weren't

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Second Chances: I was reborn as a kitten

"your life has been filled with petty transgressions and minor acts of violence and sacrilege. you have never had faith in others and thus lacked faith in me but i do not begrudge you.

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Horse Tribe

This sacrilege demands retribution and as such, we offer you two choices. either you pay with your life, or you pay with your body." stark was surprised at the directness, but he was at least happy that they gave him a chance to work for his life.

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The Broken Circle

The prayer beads are tied through the hound's most intimate parts in a blasphemous display of sacrilege.

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