Don Perry's Ticklish Experience from the Female Ninjas.

''and my name is makiyama sango.'' the other ninja said. ''and my name is ryuki daiso.'' the other ninja said. ''you girls are ninjas?'' he asked. ''why yes we are my dear. and we like to give you some warm welcome.'' kyodai said.

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The no longer Tragic Lovesong of Destiny: part three

The group was shocked when they first saw her, miroku groped her more than a few times, sango gawked at her in amazement for a while until she caught miroku grabbing kagome's ass and abruptly began to slap the shit out of him, and shippo, he knew inuyasha

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He could see that kirara, sango, and kagome looked to be asleep nearby, while miroku was laying up against a tree, sleeping a little further away with one hand extended out a little, palm up, apparently groping his dreams.

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the no longer tragic love song of destiny part5

Miroku was the first to comment on kagomes breasts, to which he received a slap on the face and a curt, "the only breasts your supposed to be looking at, miroku, are mine" look from sango.

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chapter 7:Gone

"we better go find them," sango stated, starting to trek into the woods where kagome had gone. they hadn't gotten far when they saw the dark haired girl approaching them.

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Shippo and Sota

She and sango and kaede went to help with a birth" shippo shuddered "anyway miroku and inuyasha went along as protection, i didn't feel well so i stayed home" the two young men walked

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