The Captain's Captive- Festival Night Rendezvous

sheer giggled as kron smeared the paste all over his foot, wiggling his toes. kron let out a low growl of pleasure as he watched sheer wiggle his toes.

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The Captain's Captive- The Bath House

sheer denied this. he wasn't a big believer in destiny. kron looked down at his mate and became a little concerned. sheer seemed distant, as if he was lost deep in thought.

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The Captain's Captive- Gateway to the Green East

"sheer... would be okay if i were to give you a kiss right now?" kron softly whispered into sheer's pointed ear. "i guess you earned it kron." sheer replied. "i'm glad you apologized."

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The Captain's Captive- Attack on the Camp

sheer stammered as the darknut came to him.

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Zombies are Wankers: Scavenging (WITH TWO FELLOW FURS MAKING A CAMEO!)

Another one rushed at sheer, and got its head cracked open when sheer jump-kicked the motherfucker in the head with his tungsten-plated hooves, leaving it to fall to the ground in a rain of blood and bits of brain and bone.

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Zombies are Wankers: Time for Some Backstory (ASH AND CHIP ARE NOW RECURRING CHARACTERS!)

Plus, there's a lot of things about sheer that i feel need explaining." then sheer said "i'll wait for our guests to tell us about themselves." this is the story that ash, sheer and wesha told.

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Under Cloaks and Claws

Tirrah snorted loud, huffing in sheer's face with a glare hiding a slight blush through her anger.

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Saturday Evening with Friends

As glen continued fleecing her back she found herself raising her butt to meet the sheers. glen laughed at her and ran the sheers through the fur on her left haunch. the fur on her back was now extremely short stubble.

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Caput Lupinum

sheer wouldn't win he had made enemies out of potential allies. of the 250 some murders thieves and all flavors of psychopaths that called star wolf their lord, two thirds of them had joined thinking that wolf would be fighting sheer.

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Cleaning Day (Story commission)

Thanks to the sheer size difference, every single fur strand worked as a massive pillar that isaac hit against.

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A Lion's Pride - (Comm by Bearmonster)

The sheer warmth that trickled down his cock from the friction was then met with cool air as the shuddering jock slipped down to the floor. the sense of relief was palpable.

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