
"hey spryo, heh i'm alright; you?" there was a touch of nervousness in the tone of his voice. spyro gave a huge grin at his friend. "i feel great, the sun works wonders on the scales."

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The Legend of Spyro - A New Ending

"i'm going to let you go free now, spryo. i'll even release you from your collar." with the snap of her fingers, all the bonds went limp about his body. the collar split in half and fell to the table with a clang.

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~...|Secrets of the Chroniclers|...~ - The Crona Chronicles - --~EPISODE 1: PRELUDE TO DESTINY~-- Part 1 of 4: A Glimpse Ahead...

**disclaimer:** i don't own the spryo characters or their world. they are property of universal games/sierra games. i only own the new characters and ideas that are being created for this series.

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Ember's passion

spryo didnt even see from where the gag came from, but he offered little resistance to it as cynder tied it behind his head with surprising speed and efficiency.

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Spyro and the Sun God: Chapter 12

spryo turned towards agent 9, his berserk mind thinking the monkey was another enemy, so he charged, maw wide open, ready to just slice through the ape. "that's it...come closer..."

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Episode 2 - Reunions, New Rivals and Revelations

spryo said as he, blink and the other two dragons entered nestor's home and shut the gate behind them locking it tight. * * * **nestor's home - main hall** as soon as they entered nestor's large home a familiar face greeted them.

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Spyro's Nesting Grounds

spryo ignores the chatter in favor of pressing his tongue further into perry's slit, his tongue brushing against the shaft inside.perry moans softly at the feeling of spyro's tongue brushing against his shaft.

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Cynder's femdom

She sighed, before continuing: "spryo...", she said, taking his hand in her own, "listen... i care for you... i care for you more than i had ever cared for anything else in my life.

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 24

It didn't take long enough for spryo to find her. cynder gave a slight chuckled when spyro faltered in his flight, no doubt when he saw her companion. spyro and shockwave landed behind cynder, looking quite surprised and puzzled by the white dragon.

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 6

"do not argue with the guy and let's get out of here while we still can" sparx said as he tugged spryo's horn to pull him away. "something about you. i just... think... feel... i don't know what". spyro could only just cock his head, confused.

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Fullhearts eve

spryo wandered in slowly, closing the door gently behind him. he sat down quietly and placed the small bag he was carrying on the ground, it chinked slightly as he put it down.

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 18

spryo said in a very menacing and angry growl. cynder realized his mistake. "spyro, don't! don't do it! don't loose control!" she said in desperation. but he didn't hear her. spyros face was pure anger, and his eyes showed it.

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