"well, put simply, the concept of teleportation requires dismantling an object to its subatomic pieces.
Gaining Lost Time- Chapter Five
I then had to look up what quarks were and found that they are subatomic particles carrying a fractional electric charge.
Better Days: Chapter 1
Everything worth buying used srm or static ready memory that used quantum physics to store an infinite amount of memory in the subatomic matrices of specially constructed synthetic crystals.
Follow The Rules 2: Transformation Boogaloo
Kickaha peered out into the darkness that was lit up only by the glow of subatomic particles. "i think it's that way! past that group of oxygen atoms!" "awesome! here climb up on my back! you barely weigh anything now so i can hold ya!"
Joined in Mind and Body - Chapter 13
Cells in marrow energized to replicate at rates millions of times their norm, replacing lost blood content as psionic energy ripped at the very fabrics of the universe to bring subatomic particles into being that were previously not there.
Joined in Mind and Body - Chapter 1
Created in two seconds, secured to your subatomic signature, and "guaranteed safe"... which of course meant that there were not too many accidents. it made getting around much easier.
War of the (Formerly) Kittens
"but looks like we're on the subatomic scale." "they're atoms." zeelo had a realization. "i get it. a potion is like, a mix of compounds right? the individual pieces itself are harmless. we've shrunk so small we fell between the potion's atoms!
A Small Bounty - 3
Quinten, a wolf a few years older than atimist, worked in research and development for orion inc after graduating with a double major in subatomic engineering and robotics.
Tiny Primal Problem
In addition to them being subatomic, and now on different size scales. they are also toddlers now, not a day over three. "so we're really gonna try to fix it this time?" zeelo asked. "most definitely probably!"
What Happened to the Tiger?
Or subatomic. or an egg. or in another plane of existence." "i want to believe you're just saying things that pop into your head and they have no real meaning but..." vance's shoulders sagged.
A Warm Welcome Party
As the neutral subatomic particles entered the nucleus of each atom, fission instantly took place.
Spokesman carl hagen continues to vouch for the facilities safety, which propels subatomic particles into each other at near-light-speeds." ben half-listened to the drone of the telly, munching rice-bubbles. would rachel be in class today?