Unraveling This Historical Perpetual Work in Progress

Lot from our history for a land of the brave there's so much horrible historical baggage to unload that only grew and grew it continues to grow as atrocities just continue building and people continue to suffer and die there's a lot to tarnish

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Sonic Waves (Espio 1)- Lotus

tarnished blades sheathed in dust covered remnant glory. a warrior on a path far from home disbanded from his clan , his team, his purpose. in search of a place to call his own , or glorious battle to reclaim dead flames of a past life.

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The Changing Times

Those who tarnished my family's name, those who led the turmoil, have long since passed. they believed everything that was the opposite of what me and my family could do and were. that we could die and stay dead, that we were only pretenders.

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Well Planned Theft (Otherwise Untitled)

A tarnished silver badge flickered softly on his chest. ~ the dragon rumbled in a tone of words written in the old cursive, "you think you can force anything of me, trickster in the daylight?"

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Eberron: An Adventure to Q'Barra, chapter 1.

"don't worry, the family name will not be tarnished." the dragonborn female, golden skinned but also wearing a simple kirtle, hugged richard. "becareful, richard, i know you'll bring back nala."

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Taur de Force - Commission for anubiis_werewolf

The steel was tarnished and battered. cracks fingered down its face, whether from age or use in battle, soren could not tell. such an opportunity was too rare to pass up on. he had to inspect it! he grabbed the handle and pulled on it.

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Blood on Ice - Chapter Eleven

It looked to have once been silver but heavily tarnished. midnight held it up to the sky, to get a better look at it even if the sun was still a few minutes away from breaking over the horizon.

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The Gryphon's Goal: Chapter 2, Part 2

The gryphon didn't want his spotless record to be tarnished over fighting. while it might convince courtland to leave him alone, it would go against his father's belief that violence only caused more problems than they solved.

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Beagle's Orders (Otherwise Untitled)

Aboard his potmarked and tarnished flagship, josiah sligh stood like a pintle overlooking the main consoles. the graying beagle's expression was inscrutable as he glanced and tracked the firehose of fleet information and health.

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Life by the Page 1

The old fence which lined the right side of the road had old chipped paint which was once white but now was starting to turn a tarnished yellow as age warped the old wood. there was a nip in the wind that made him shiver as he walked.

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Sampson and Devilah #12

I will not have my honor tarnished by the use of magic! do i make myself clear?" devilah backed down. "ok, ok." "speak no more of this, lest i banish you from my side. let us find this kitty and be done with this!"

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The Guilded Cage, World Introduction, part 2

The gathering shadows (the gathering) effort and upkeep is one of the main factors that separates a beautiful dining fork and a cast-off tarnished piece of cutlery. a group within st.

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