MonoChronicles I: True Colors

My photographic memory did not let me down and i was able to find my way to the teahouse with ease. the outside of the establishment was not too special, but the interior of the teahouse looked cozy. i greeted the barista as i walked in.

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Laquine Skinny Dipping

Passing bikes and pedicabs made whizzing sounds as they flung leftover rainwater into their fenders, a street musician played a lilting song on her zither, and boisterous couples chatted as they headed toward shops, street vendors, restaurants, teahouses,

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Spicy Dragon Roll (1/3)

It was clearly a place that was made to seat dozens, if not hundreds of people and give off a more traditional aesthetic like a teahouse. there was no way that jerkah was going to be able to handle a place like this all by himself.

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The Curse of the Yellow Monkey - Chapter 1 - Eden's Oasis

She wanted to shop for some art, eat in an expensive teahouse and see the mansions along the coast.

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Luna and Thief Ch: 15

Griffin looked at the array of trees, from the old teahouse seemed to be a pathway. brad rolled his eyes and suddenly went off. "b -brad!?" natasha called "i'll be back! that kid is going to get himself injured..."

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990 Cats Walk Between

._ "_naturally, all these compelling oddities caught my attention, so i moved in and took up residence in an abandoned wooden structure, usefully near an inn and teahouse.

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The Lives of Juno the Fox

"and speaking of the naturist market, there's a teahouse nearby you should go to. it's really cool, and i think you'll enjoy it. i went with an otter a few days ago, and it was a lot of fun.

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La Curandera - Part II - The Storm

One of the second-storey windows above the teahouse was pushed open, white lacy curtains waving in the faint breeze. shi had seen motion, shi knew shi had seen a black hand... shi knew it...

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La Curandera IV: The Last Crusade

The off-street bakeries and teahouses were barren. greenways and backyards, supplied with regular water thanks to the unprecedented dowsing efforts of the circle and odella's young witches, were silent and still.

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