Quatrième rituel. A story about love.
tes tatouages ne les éloignent pas ? \_non, ils me protègent de divers sorts et quasiment tous les types de possession. j'ai oublié la possession shamanique, tiens. \_une... invocation...? dit-il tout doucement, à peine audible.
Three Furs, One House
I showed tes his new office, which was next to mine, and while he set about ordering things to decorate and furnish it with, i went online and updated the social networking sites for wpms to declare our expansion.
Stable Boy
Well, my 700th story post, a little something I wrote, and will expand upon, but I wanted to post this as standalone, especially since I haven't posted anything i na few days and I just want to keep the momentum. Seems that my quiet weekend is finally...
Hist Dreams
I sit in the warm water amidst the snowy plains, and rest awhile, and dream the dream of the Hist. A stipend of one hundred coins sat in my pouch, with the others left to me by my lady of soft scales. I walked through the morning crowd, my head...
On days when it rained, we came here To celebrate our mutual tainted destiny, under the secure embrace of old willow trees To listen to the soft sound of the rain hitting leaves, to get away from all we feared On days where clouds masked the sky,...
Soliloquy + Grand Finale
Attention toutes les planã¨tes de la fã©dã©ration solaire! nous avons assumã© la commande! aufmerksamkeit alle planeten der solarvereinigung! wir haben steuerung angenommen! attention all planets of the solar federation!
[Story - French] Les enfants ne sont pas des jouets - chap 2
« grr et maintenant je suis obligé de faire le job de tes parents, allez viens ici. ça nous facilitera la vie à tous deux. » robin secoua de la tête. s'il voulait sa peau, il n'avait qu'à venir la chercher.
Abri: Chapter I
tes--oh my lord!" cried the smaller sibling, clasping her mouth with opened eyes that cried for urgency. quickly she strode down to her defeated blood-relative and rose her head, gasping for words. "y-you...t-they hurt you..."
Histoire 2 : Une journée « bien rempli » chez Manu
Tu vas chercher tes spécimens ? » mais de quoi parlent-ils ?
Sasha et latios ch1
Sasha j'ai entendu tes pensée tu veut me réssuciter pour ma soeur n'est-ce pas?" demande latios. sasha hôcha la tête en signe de oui et latios lui sourit.
Shaga - Étudier sur le terrain
Mais je te jure que tes statistiques sont plus que bonnes. merci répondis-je boudeuse. allez, rentres chez toi et ne penses plus à ça! je suis certain que tout ira bien.
Keyane, Chapter One
Men-uk-tes akal-ch-morae!" barked my instructor, thumping the table with his closed fist. he wore a long gray robe, a long white beard descending from his chin. he was human, as was a great much of the city of izzet. i was one of the minority, however.