Portals - Chapter 2

They padded down a softly lit white corridor, the floor a hard, glossy plastic that had surprising grip despite its seemingly smooth surface, and yielded just enough underpaw to be comfortable.

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On an enchanted beach

You wonder for a moment how shi even can chuckle, if shi were flattened completely underpaw, until you look down and see that your paw doesn't completely cover hir. shi looks right up into your eyes and chuckles coldly again, shaking hir muzzle.

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A Lion’s Tail and a Bear’s Hug: Chapter 12

Fortunately he'd decided to wear shoes as needles and glass bottles cracked underpaw. the smell of alcohol permeated the house. lejon sniffed the air and guessed it was some wine, although there were some cheap beer bottles littering the floors.

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We don't hate being micros - Chapter 4

You little ones do feel nice underpaw." he smiles a little and then flicks the wolf with his toe. george acks! tumbling back and away from the giant. he's hurt, out of breath, he smells, but he's alive. he pants and holds his smile back.

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Pre Halloween Fun

Floorboards creaked underpaw as the big creature moved through the upper rooms of his once stately home. finally the bear stopped and paused a moment at the door. "this is a little shocking, but if you're good you won't end up like them."

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Portals - Chapter 3

He padded forward hesitantly, the metallic plastic giving way to real metal, hard and cold underpaw. turning a corner, they found themselves in a stainless steel communal shower. yes! it had been weeks since he'd gotten a hot shower!

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Sudden Soulmates by Novastar

Once upon a time, there lived a little husky named Nova. Everyone in the small village loved Nova and the husky was happy. But there was something odd about Nova. Everyone thought Nova was a girl. Of course, it was a simple mistake to make. He looked...

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Head Ache

Throbbing Beating Pain Can not think strate Can not focus It's like a war raging behind your face Drugs can help but not always Rest is what I need for my release


Time Tic toc goes the clock of time As one clock winds down another starts up Time is a river that you are caught in it's rapids And you can only go with it's flow Old father time keeping time in check Value the time you are given No one knows...

The muse

She guides my words and leads my thoughts She comes at any moment unexpected When she leaves it is hard to find her No words can be formed without her presence She does not stay in one place Always on the go.

Forest Frolic (Macro Story)

Felan said incredulously as he turned back to sara, making sure the wolf didn't end up squishing him underpaw accidentally...the combination of her ditziness and her increased size was not good for the wolf's health, that was for sure!

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Fox, Wolf, and a Memory

Kent and trixey heard grass crunching underpaw and glanced behind them, greeted by the sight of the four wolves that accompanied them.

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