The Gate-Way: Chapter 2 – Skies On Fire

Over the wail of the air raid sirens they could hear the low ominous drone of the german bombers.

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The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 2 Skies On Fire

Over the wail of the air raid sirens they could hear the low ominous drone of the german bombers.

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In Utter Darkness: Chapter 2: It Begins

air raid sirens started sounding with the automated speakers blaring to life that "this was not a drill." i immediately started running out of the building and joined the crowd milling outside in the street awaiting further directions.

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Invasion Part 2

"i don't really understand but-" i was interupted by one of those old air raid sirens. rykuu got up. "that's the citywide alert." he looked around for a second before he left the room. "get dressed nephilla."

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War on the Home Front: Chapter 1: Invasion

It was the air raid siren of the city. never before been turned on for the reason it was made. "this is incredible! we are being invaded. i repeat, we are under attack! the jets re zooming overhead, and we managed to get a look at it. it is russian.

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Fallout: Birthdays and Last Days

An alarm in the distance started blaring loudly, it wasn't a tornado siren or even an air raid one, it was one everyone prayed they would never ever hear.

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Mojave Redemption - Part 5

Jacob woke with a start, the air raid siren outside the vault from his childhood ringing in his ears once again. he reached for the pistol on his chest instinctively and panicked when he found the comfortable weight missing.

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MoonDust, Chapter 2

Two felines and a skunk took turns throwing rocks through the doorway of an abandoned air-raid shelter, listening with glee to the echoing splashes. the skin crawled beneath imogene's fur, but she couldn't look away.

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Wholly Wolfish Worries

"_ _ _ my ears dropped at the musical equivalent of an air raid siren blasting off in the all too near distance, and soon enough the owner of the voice appeared, up the stairs and then to the main floor.

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Test Subject 231

The sense of relief that overtook him lasted only two seconds, as the hallway suddenly flashed with red as the air-raid-siren-like alarm began blaring through the corridors - apparently some part of the door had been hooked to a triggering device, dimitri&

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It was dimly lit, with candles providing a warm, golden glow that cast long shadows everywhere; the air raids had taken out electricity in most of the city.

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Against All Odds: Part 5 - Echoes

air-raid sirens wailed loudly through the darkened city while dull, persistent thumping from ground-to-air weaponry sounded out from in the distance.

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