Overthrowing Royalty

Fucking your... authority... figures... that's -oh!- a good way... mmmm... ah, fuck yes... to get..... promoted... boy... ah!" maxwell held a firm grip on paimon's hips and felt his own knot suddenly swelter. "cum for me bitch!"

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Routine Stop

Oh, god no" begged the collie, "please don't arrest me officer, please" assault on an authority figure is a serious crime, we cannot allow this sort of thing in our streets and community, i think you have a lesson you need to learn."

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Etiquette for the Modern Lycan--Ch.5: Vampires Are a Bad Idea

Don't change in public; don't growl at an authority figure; avoid people during a change; and avoid sports with humans. i've given you some stories that contain some very sound advice.

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In A Cage

We warned you about that..." the booming voice of my father rang through my ears as i slowly approached the wooden door, my flesh getting goose bumps as my authority figure warned me once again about the light.

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Airy's Character Sheet

He doesn't particularly care for authority figures but will help them if he feels the cause is not wrong.

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Unlikely Friendship

She saw him as an authority figure and she would explain vocally when asked. however, she hadn't been writing words at all. the alp saw drawings in various stages that, unknown to the dragon, were ideas for her art hobby forming in the back of her mind.

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Bittersweet Hint of Nostalgia

Revealing myself as any semblance of an authority figure of 'the man' would've likely scared the weasel off from telling me anything further.

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Talbot Prep

With lust slaked and authority figure placated mia turns to the amusing spectacle of getting jesse to wear a girl's uniform.

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How I Learned To Use Distraction and Annoyance Positively

Being extremely irritating to someone all day throughout the day can run just about anybody off, but if the authority figure or parent finds out or is there to witness it, they are often not too happy about it so you have to make sure you do not

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Once Bitten feat. Zed

"mmmhh... good boy... we'll have a little more fun before i get back to what i was doing before you interrupted, and you'll make sure no other pesky 'authority' figures come to check up on me."

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Student body chapter 4

I'll have to take her aside and ask for a portfolio then" she replied "miss how did you know that we were... you know" alex asked feeling sheepish and like he was ready to be scolded by an authority figure.

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Generic Orc Porn

Baruik was normally very wary of authority figures; especially ones carrying large weapons and operating in groups. one thing he had a hard time complaining about here though was the way the guards acted. he had been stopped a few times before.

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