The Tahitian Experience...

"it's fairy dust, love." ruth laughed. when leilani looked puzzled, he added, "it's from a movie. peter pan. usually when you spread the dust over someone, they can fly." leilani nodded uncertainly. "but...can you not already fly with these wings?"

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The Tahitian Experience

"it's fairy dust, love." ruth laughed. when leilani looked puzzled, he added, "it's from a movie. peter pan. usually when you spread the dust over someone, they can fly." leilani nodded uncertainly. "but...can you not already fly with these wings?"

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Demiverse: Those of the Light - 2

"the untrained think of our work as something of a dark mystic power, some half witted mumbo-jumbo with a pointy stick and fairy dust, yet the truth of the matter couldn't be farther."

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Titan the Tormentor: Part 1 of 2

Magical fairy dust sprayed all over the object that sat next to him on the bed. taurus's cock was only inches away and had gotten the full blast of magic dust. rad had purchases him earlier that morning.

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Tables Turned

"for all of the world's fairy dust... i'm getting bigger!" she exclaimed out in excitement. ribbon's initial disbelief had dispersed the moment she lost her balance atop erina's head, being forced to sit down. everything about the fairy was magnifying.

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X-Men Outcasts - 02 - Guardian

Maybe someone out there wants your fairy dust." one of the troops smirked before firing, the air whistling as the tranq dart was released.

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X-MEN: Outcasts - 02 - Guardian

Maybe someone out there wants your fairy dust." one of the troops smirked before firing, the air whistling as the tranq dart was released.

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Desolation of Tiamat Pt. 5 of 5

Wishes and fairy dust. there was a whole universe out there! you can't eat space, at least not as far as i knew. even if that were possible, then there would be no space for me to exist in after it had all been eaten.

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Lycanthropic Love

It just looked like ordinary lube to her, but apparently it was full of fairy dust or unicorn jizz or something similarly magical. who knew? and now here she was, waiting in their bedroom while eric got ready for her. she was weirdly nervous.

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Bat Out of Swell

Oh, and of course the (perhaps literal) tons of bodybuilder fairy dust, as he personally thought of it, which now cluttered his kitchen.

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World Wide Wabbit

You just think of it as a bunch of fairy dust, and now you can fly, and that makes ithuuuugghhh!!!" it didn't take long to clean the camera's brown coating. and the monitor's. and desk's.

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Eudaemon III: Rebirth / Act II, Part 5

Annoying at best... and zerrex reached up his hand and crushed it, the thing giving a small squeal as it zapped his hand before disintegrating into broken bits of dark fairy dust that pattered down onto the wooden slats.

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