CBS - The Awkward Dominant Masochist

Also with a special guest start at the very end, to make up for me completely derping out and forgetting to add them into the holiday party story. sorry again for that.

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Growing in Pregnancy

They let her get away with it (it had not been boiling) and it made for a good story at the holiday party! growing so huge in her pregnancy might well have been the best thing that had ever happened to vanessa.

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Just Another Holiday Office Party

The cfo had made the announcement during their office's holiday party; it was both interesting and frightening to see the look on his senior member's faces go from shock to either feigned resignation or absolute rage.

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Toni gets Latexed

That was weird; it wasn't even the office holiday party. apparently, she had forgotten to wear undies. someone had set the expensive, industrial copier to make a few hundred reproductions of her vagina.

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Doggie Do's and Doggie Dont's. Chapter Six.

The dog wasn't even wearing the leather bound straps he had during the holiday party. "i really can't believe your wearing that." tom laughed covering his mouth with a hand again. his face lit up though at his own joke.

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Christmas Coda

Jen was one of the organizers of the local traditional music session and was generously hosting the holiday party, this year. she smiled in that warm, inviting way wild dogs could and waved him inside. "sean! great to see you!

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Holiday Horror Chapters 1 - 2

In that capacity, the community holiday parties were a time for drunken revelry, and clearing the air was just part of the tradition. "be sure to drink up, everyone!

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The Dogs: The Cold of Snow In the Time of Harvest

party of open invitation, tiny as their town, tempest, was, and tinier still archibald and maggie's actual circle of friends.

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Black Tie Affair

"it's a holiday party, hun, will you just roll with it? and help me get this big turkey tied down?"

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Under the Mistletoe (2/2)

Kevin and serathin are attempting to avoid the dreaded office holiday party, but unfortunately they find themselves ensnared in the insidious reindeer's machinations.

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"Fixing the Faucet"

The carpet was soft, the upstairs smelled fresh, and sam would remark "we just cleaned up, holiday party next week..." as he stepped off the stairwell and made his way down the hall to the left, to the master bedroom.

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Holiday with a Bang

In lieu of real holiday parties this year, have a story involving a nerdy dragon, a cheetah jock, and a little bit too much alcohol. holiday with a bang raugh 2020-12-15 the sound of the buzzer startled john.

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