
A million dollars, laser guided sharks, a dozen pizzas, a helicopter to the coast, a presidential pardon, and a side of fries with no salt. what do i want?

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Chasing Rainbows

"or about a hundred fifty million dollars worth of gold. you mean we could get a hundred fifty million dollars if we went rainbow hunting today and we're just sitting around barbecuing?" "there's not a cloud in the sky," i protested.

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Nine Lives

The bid will start at the 1 million dollar-" after that, cyan turned the television, disgusted by the man. to get his mind of the subject, he went to go start dinner. "cyan?" "yes?" he asked in a rushed tone, cutting tomatoes.

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Being Red- Chapter 8

Five million dollars to round up the group whose sole mission is to return vitraan to the era where a human could just come in and do whatever they wanted and face no more of a penalty than a small fine.

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Research Log [#001]

So, another half a million dollars down the drain. i'm not sure how long we've got before they pull the funding away from us, but maurice, my coworker, said that so long as we get 372 ready soon we shouldn't have anything to worry about.

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Bani Lore! Earth!

His collection is available to see, and is worth over two million dollars. dislikes: the random fires fire tends to generate. staying up late, and the smell of fish.

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Week 11- The Other House

Despite this, he is one of the last four in the house eager to get his paws on the million dollar grand prize. these four semi-finalists have managed to survive over 70 days cut off from the outside world.

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The House Always Wins: Chapter 2

And so, voila, they settled on just over two million dollars, at a "discounted rate", as the cheetah had phrased it.

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End of My World 6 (final)

Da rollz gets torched in a ditch and gets found by the police as a million dollar marshmallow roasting inferno. \>even more oh-to-the-noes!


Is this a dream?

He pulls into the empty spot, he turned the ignition off, hearing few kids stare at the car with shock, never seeing a million dollar car. he opens the door, kitane got out of the car closing the door behind her.

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Accounted Porn Profit

You lost nearly a million dollars on that and your 'stocks' are now valueless." the coon was beginning to feel like the accountant was driving a nail slowly through her chest, aiming for her heart.

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Pain Series - Ep. 1: Pain For Pay

"a million dollars?!" the boy jumped out of his chair, and was now mere inches from his friend's face. "i'm going to make a million dollars from this?!"

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