The Egg Assignment, part 4

However as her mind shifted from dream to memory, thoughts started to cascade as she slowly comprehended what atlas had been saying to her just a short while ago. that made jarzyl abruptly crash into full awareness, and she snapped her eyes wide open.

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Adam's New Life - Chapter 1

Everything seemed to sharpen, to come into focus now as his mind shifted easily into his new role in life.  he was to find a dragon to basically work for. 

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The Broken Heart of Layman Orochi

He said, turning away from mister ritala without a second thought, his mind shifted towards the present.

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Nightfall - 7. Reunion

My mind shifted to a blank space where it seemed to create a new library of knowledge as i spoke. "i broke the 'drinking from the dead' rule for you." i laughed. "unbelievable.

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Nightfall - 6. Maxwell

And as before, when i thought of needs my mind shifted to its library of needs, bringing back the horrendous burning in my throat. sunset would come soon and i would have blood to calm it.

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Skyfall Chapter 6

I panted heavily, running through all the options in my mind. shifts like this did not usually happen unless it was a deliberate, conscious decision. the fact that it was happening without me realizing it concerned me.  

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Stuffed -Gift Story-

Her mind shifted as she found herself lifting him up with just her jaws, moving her hands to support his weight while not shifting him too quickly. any sudden movement and he would no doubt wake.

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Trial and Error

Her mind shifted around a little bit. she'd already showered... everything was clean... jasmine was still coming over in a few hours. her head gave a little sigh. "well... fuck. might as well try to figure this out."

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Eternal Night - 4. Return

Just as the thought passed, my mind shifted to needs and my throat ignited. i immediately reached to put a paw around it as i looked around the room. then i was gone. it had been so long since i'd hunted that i had forgotten how easy it was.

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Nightfall - 5. Rebirth

Then, like before when i thought of needs, my mind shifted through the library of subconscious knowledge. i did know, and it was plausible. i needed enough blood to take a life, but i was still bound by the rule of stopping before the heart did.

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Day 2 (morning): Masturbation, Magic, Beauty and Me

The psychological sensation was that of having my whole mind shift states of being. was this experience what humans call emotions? is music the key to unlocking my dormant human psyche?

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Cephalopods, part 2

Her mind shifted as well, making kelsey aware of her now duel gendered nature. shi felt the flow of hir seed being pumped into hir captive, john likewise feeling the slimy mass being pumped into him, flowing into his testicles and sac.

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