Pound of Flesh

It was the size of a feral pony from prehistoric times, thick bodied and massive as the claws pricked lightly at the bed. "oh not hell."

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Chapter 29: Justice for Cerinia

"because we are telepaths and of our connection to the krazoa dating back to our prehistoric times. he somehow figured out that we would hear their telepathic cry when andross usurped them to resurrect himself over sauria."

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Chapter 24: The Legacy of Cerinia

In our oldest legends, there are stories of them bringing us down from the heavens to cerinia in ancient, prehistoric times. some theorize that they are the reason our race is telepathic.

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Enochian: Book 2, Chapter 14

Selena came over to help, and he grunted at her like they were back in prehistoric times, earning a look of distaste before he stood up and shoved the shutter as high as he could with a mighty roar, and then a squeak as something cracked in his back.

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Zippy Zipperdale: Moderately Mad Scientist--The Eighth Experiment

Once far back in prehistoric times, spiritwood forest had been a massively wide and extensively deep lake; but that had long since dried up, the only water being the river that ran through one side of it, the rest of the lake having been replaced by miles

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Sands of the West Chapter 3: Treasure Hunter

"if this is how they looked in prehistoric times, how'd the people here know what they looked like?" he studied the body until something on the right leg caught his eye. "hey wait... what's that?" he asked, approaching the base of the statue.

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Profile of Drake Hellblazer Harkonen

Mu was a continent whose inhabitants had survived the prehistoric times and was full of hostile life as a result. among these survivors were the dragons of mu, whose race had to evolve tremendously over thousands of years in order to survive.

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Shifter, Chapter 1: Dain

"however, in your case, you appear to possess some genetic code that is not only rare, but rare within rare, something that's almost a throwback to prehistoric times." "we don't know that for sure," melaai interjected pointedly.

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Of Wolf And Man

Josh snarled once, threw back his head and howled, a primal sound the likes of which these mountains hadn't heard since prehistoric times. his first eruption was so violent that for a moment the wolf was struck by a painful jolt, but he quickly adapted.

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The Dragons of Tyr

Gerald sighed, "and, in the other world's prehistoric times, tika see murdered all dragons except three hundred," he glanced up from his phone, "in our world, all dragons died in the nuclear strike, except three hundred."

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