Light and Darkness

His grip on the sea creature before him tightened. struggling harder, he managed to speak. "fire..." on command, bullets began hailing into the center of the room where ty stood. "light, now!"

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Watersports with Friends - Wuffie ~ Octo

He was a sea creature, after all. he had to hydrate constantly. with those words, octo relaxed his control over his bladder, allowing his golden eyes to glaze over as he let loose two powerful streams of piss.

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Amphibians were generally treated like most bilinguals, bisexuals, agnostics, and hybrids, rarely ever fully accepted among sea creatures or surface dwellers because they fully belonged to neither.

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TOKYO ZONE Episode 7 Hiccups + The Sea monster

Reiji then took out his black bladed sword and slashed the mutant sea creature on the fore head as it left a huge slash mark. the chain of mai's kusarigama then unwrapped around the arm of the creature as it retreated into the sewers.


Story Commission: Foreign Policy, Chapter 4

But instead of leaving it out, the wolf found a large sea cucumber and jammed it over the crocodile's long snout, so that the tubular sea-creature's thick, elastic body sealed his jaws shut.

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Eight Days at Renzyl's: Day Two

"just another way of trapping sea creatures that try and enter into renzyl's realm, though those are more for the curious then the malevolent.

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Uneventful Morning

He felt his waist pass the powerful jaws of the sea creature and enter the pulsing esophagus. he slid and was pushed deeper, his head squeezing back into that gurgling gut.

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Kitty Rehab Chapter 2

The giant flying reptiles were a main source of food, more so that any of the farmed land beasts or sea creatures for the city cause of the sheer distance inland. the forest was a massive natural resource.

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In Too Deep

Soul leaned closer and picked up on her scent, salty as the ocean, as befitting a sea creature. her feet were well cared for--there wasn't a single imperfection upon their surface--but they still had a sheen of sweat.

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Shadow Over Delphinidae

Uniform on either side, each swelled to the diameter of the tail, looking like the flukes that a sea creature might possess.

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Comfort Zone: Ch.1

To pass the time matt took out a book he was meaning to finish for the longest time, "captain's tail" a story about a tailess fur and his crew who captained a ship across the wide ocean battling various sea creatures and exploring many lands along their travels

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Into Darkness: Icebreaker

"you mean changing into an acquatic human hybridized with deep-sea creatures' dna? hell yeah, i was excited! and look at what a good job boris did... underneath all this blood, of course...." "boris? is that your dedicated ai?" "yep. he's fun."

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