Hunted to the End
**ilbv:** sees you not there **ilbv:** huh? **ilbv:** \*looks around wildly **ilbv:** shit...
Vorish Playings
I have to go places. ill be back within an hour **ilbv:** okay \<3 **ilbv:** okay **ilbv:** back **ilbv:** good cause i am **ilbv:** how to feral dragons hug? **ilbv:** awww **ilbv:** so sweet of you **ilbv:** are you still as big as a house?
ilbv yelled at himself. ilbv fell to his knees and swayed slightly.
How To Trust A Dragon
What do you say ilbv?" kiya asked, hugging ilbv close. ilbv sighed, he was doomed to his fate inside the dragon. "just..don't..hurt me...please." ilbv whimpered. he closed his eyes and went limp. he heard kiya's stomach growl and he frowned, defeated.
The Day A Giant Ate My Boss
ilbv heaved and burped and soon, both humans shot out of ilbv's throat and onto his tongue. ilbv opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out. bj walked into ilbv's hand and ilbv tipped his tongue so the unconscious body of bj's boss slid off.
The Dog
The dog's teeth rested slightly on ilbv's cheeks and then parted, causing ilbv's face to be fully enveloped into the dog's mouth. ilbv gasp and his eyes widened. "the dog is trying to eat me!" ilbv exclaimed in his head.
The Human and The Dragon
ilbv was slowly sucked back into ryuu's throat. ryuu kept burping to help ease ilbv along. finally ilbv saw light and the mouth. ilbv was coming out of ryuu's mouth.
Internal Study
He studied ilbv's uvula and decided to torment ilbv a little bit by punching it. ilbv coughed violently and sent omega flying to the front of his mouth.
Dragon's Delight
ilbv asked annoyed, wiping at the drool. from the rear, the dragon and ilbv heard the loud roar of a large dragon.
Wolf Salad
I certainly enjoy having you inside me." ilbv said mysteriously. it was weeks later, but ilbv finally let the cows and frank out of his belly. frank thanked ilbv for keeping him safe and alive. "don't worry about it.
Being Safe
**ilbv:** \*squishy noises fill the air as ilbv descends deeper. his legs are going over\* **ryuu:** \*murrs as he swallows again, pulling ilbv further into him\* **ilbv:** \*now sits on ryuu's soft tongue\* "it's so squishy and bouncy!
Macro Cuddles
Care with ilbv's little body.