Agents of C.O.W.- Prologue

"command, this is the shooting star!" another screen showed a male wolf in the typical gray uniform of c.o.w. as patti opened up deep-space communications. "we have an emergency! our warp drive just gave up the ghost!" "understood, shooting star."

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Reindeer Transformation

shooting star.." she says, surprised. she jumps off her bed, and runs out her room. she goes up to her mother who was applying the lights around the tree. "mommy! i saw a shooting star!" emily said, quite excited.

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lucario a love story ch.2 wrong turn

Wow riolu look at the night sky its so beutiful" "riolu" then hiyota spotted a shooting star. "riolu look a shooting star" "luuu" riolu stared at it his eyes infixed on it then he closed his eyes for a moment then opened them back open.

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Space-Master Dressphere

| shooting star | | **meteor shower** | 120 | 90 | unleashes 13 physical, gravity-type attacks on all enemies at random, ignores protect and shell and removes beneficial attributes to enemies.

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How Pokemon Came to Earth

I looked up to the night sky, and saw a shooting star. i closed my eyes and wished for a companion, as i had always been alone. i opened my eyes again and saw that what i thought was a shooting star, was actually a meteorite!

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"Summerhill" Chapter One Teaser

It had almost looked like a meteor, like some kind of shooting star, except it had been clearly visible against the constant dull gray and not a backdrop of night.

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Wish Come True (Gardevoir TF/TG)

It looked like a shooting star, but at the same time not. despite the lack of a solid identity of the entity, steven made a wish upon it, to be closer to servine, to be able to talk to it and have back and fourth conversations.

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Children's Card Game my ASS

"you remember what he does, so i target your shooting star dragon!" aklys shot out at his monster. "do you really think that will work? i activate shooting star dragon's special effect!" as he said this, shooting star dragon began to glow.

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And yes, i have seen a shooting star just now. why, oliver?" i was so happy and glad that i shed an innocent tear.

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Kiss Me

He was going with his best friend jack to see the shooting stars, since it was this time of the year when lots of them could be seen on the night sky.

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Switching Roles part 1

_ he thought to himself then he heard ash speaking " hey a shooting star " charizard slwoly started to make his way closer to ash to be able to hear him more.

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The Chronicles of Kobalt, Kobalt and the Gem of Life, chapter 1, Part 1

Wolves in different zoos all over the mountains have been sending us letters saying that instead of the snow i promised yesterday, they've had a downpour of shooting stars!

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